stacked mouldings

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stacked mouldings

Post by markw »

John - any suggestions as to how you price for stacked mouldings. I have recently had to quote for a large triple stacked frame - how would you do this?
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Post by John »

Hi Mark,

Just enter the three elements of the frame into the Moulding edit box, with a plus (+) sign between, and the program will add the three costs together when calculating the price of the frame rim.

This will work whether or not you are using the Moulding Table method.

Post by markw »

so simple - both me and your program - you would have thought i would have come across that before. thanks John

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Re: stacked mouldings

Post by Dr Jones »

Hello Folks, I'm currently road testing EstLite and so far impressed with what I see. The problem of stacked mouldings occurred to me today and like the good boy I am I scoured this site for a solution. I have tried the method described here but every time I use the drop down table to choose my second moulding, the first one disappears. Do I have to supply and use my own name for the mouldings to avoid this?
Thanks people.
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Re: stacked mouldings

Post by John »

Hi Dr Jones

The drop-down list is only useful for selecting the first moulding in a stacked frame. Subsequent mouldings have to be keyed in.

This task can be made very easy if, when you populate the table of stocked mouldings, you assign to each a very simple, 2 or three character name. Then when pricing these mouldings can be referred to by the short name (My ID) that you have given to each rather than the supplier's full catalogue number.

Welcome to the forum.

Re: stacked mouldings

Post by markw »

I theoretically stock hundreds of mouldings - assigning simple names would be impractical. Entering the second moulding, especially if its a long stock code can cause all sorts of problems - the main one being my slow input of the code - the input policeman slapping me on the wrist for my inept typing skills.

My use of Estlite is probably slightly different to most users as I use the report function to generate a chop list which I email directly to my supplier. Using Estlite in this way has a considerable impact upon the way I enter data. Measurements have to be absolutely accurate including any allowance you may make for glass etc. Stacked mouldings are potentially a problem because I need to allow for the difference in size as the mouldings stack outwards. To do this I treat each level as a different frame adjusting the size as I go. This takes little time as you work from the rim outwards - bringing back the rim sizes for subsequent frames and adding the width of the inner frame x2. I use this method fairly frequently and it works well for me.
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Re: stacked mouldings

Post by Dr Jones »

Thanks John, that's what I figured but it's always nice to know when I'm not being daft.
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EstLite Update

Post by John »

Stacked Frames

The latest version of EstLite (7.46) can now stack frames by selecting them from the drop-down list.

After keying in the innermost profile, or selecting from the drop-down list, it is now possible to add further mouldings by selection them from the drop-down list. Just remember to key in a plus sign before making the next drop-down list selection
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