Software for the None CMC users and beyond

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Software for the None CMC users and beyond

Post by artweek »

I have been working on a new piece fo software which is in patent stages at the moment, here is specification of what is done.

the user only has to enter for mounted pictures
-Picture size
-mount distance they want

It will then give the user
•Overall mount size
•the four points which are needed for the mount cutter,
•also can be used for double mounts-
will give the 4 measurments for example for a
40 x 30 mount with a 10mm mount you will get.

The program will also be possible to help with box frames.
By entering
-Picture size

you will get
•The size your 1 inch will need to be
•Size 2inch will need to be (if a 12 or 16 piece box frame)
•Also gives outer size with a choice of outer moldings for correct size.

This will be very usful for a factory enviroment and will keep the buisness running quick because of up to 40 measurements being on the screen at once. with the possibility of a screen at each machine i stops workers having to measure. However this piece of software will be usfull to the small hobbie framer aswell it cuts out having to try and work out the measurements. For some people maths is not a good area.

This will possible be available very soon. all comments are welcomed

Post by markw »

Not sure you will achieve more than a simple spreadsheet program would - You talk about factory framers having this software by their machines - much of what they already do is very automated + they would almost certainly have a CMC. For the PC users amongst us I would assume that most have pricing programs that would give you the info required - for the non PC using - they will be working all this out longhand - its not rocket science.
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Post by artweek »

markw wrote:Not sure you will achieve more than a simple spreadsheet program would - You talk about factory framers having this software by their machines - much of what they already do is very automated + they would almost certainly have a CMC. For the PC users amongst us I would assume that most have pricing programs that would give you the info required - for the non PC using - they will be working all this out longhand - its not rocket science.
the system would be primarily used to distnces that the valiani would need to be set at rather than also working the overall size. And also it cuts out having to measure the one inch for the two inch to fit and the moulding to the two inch. With this it cuts out having to wait for the piece to be pinned to measure off.

Factory's often do use the computer opperated cutter however there CMC ones often tend to use up large quantitys of card and dont use best fit.

Not only this but for the smaller buisness's there is a large jump from hand opperated cutters and machine opperated.

The machine is based upon something primarily done on spreadsheets and thats were the design is based but will be made more user friendly for the less computer literate.

However i do see where you are coming from with your points.

Post by markw »

I have a Valiani CMC - and don't understand the logic of your comments. On the Valiani you enter the mat size and then the aperture based upon the widths of the mount edges - or you can enter the aperture and centre or offset. The machine will cut a number of mounts using minimum board by giving you best fit - or on the new software version will allow you to place different mounts best fit. I certainly wouldn't want or need another program for this function.

As for hand cutting - for a 10mm mount I would set the production stops at 10mm - I don't need to work out the coordinates of all four cut points. My overall size would be worked out when I price the job - how difficult can it be to add aperture size + mount width - even for the arithmetically challenged a calculator will do the job.

Why 9.5?
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Post by JFeig »

this sounds like you are trying to re-invent a glass or plywood maximization program.
Jerome Feig CPF®
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Post by artweek »

the machine im using i set it uup with the two mounts one behind other for the double mount, when setting it at 9.5 you cut the outer then turn it to the .5 stoper that way it gives the overall size for the mount at 10.

However as you said it isnt needed on the CMC machine but on the valiani with out the computer program the version below the CMC.

Yet it would still be handy for cuting box frames.

Post by markw »

You're not going to sell much software on the basis of handy for box frames - and you didn't explain too well at the start that you were being fairly specific about the cutter you were designing the software for. I have to say that I don't know of anyone who uses the manual Valiani - its not going to be a big market.
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Post by artweek »

i apologize for putting my idea forward perhaps it would be usful to some members. When i finalize it i will show you it working perhaps you may have a change of mind?

Post by markw »

Artweek - dont be put off having ideas - This forum should be a place where you can get an honest opinion.
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Post by John »

Hi Artweek,

Welcome to the forum.

We have a manual Valiani, and there is no way that I could contemplate using it without the little spreadsheet application that we use to calculate sizes and settings. We have dedicated an ancient laptop to that purpose.

My hat's off to anyone who does the calculations manually, specially for multi-aperture/multi-layer mount jobs.

It might be nice to have something more sophisticated, specially if it had a graphical interface. However I'm not sure how attractive this would be in a large production environment where a machine could be stuck on the same settings for days, or weeks at a time churning out identical mounts. Being able to save a couple of minutes every fortnight when the machine is set up to produce a new design may not be a great selling point.

So I'm guessing that bespoke framers, who are also owners of manual Valiani mountcutters, or similar, would be the most interested in your application.
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Post by artweek »

i have for the past 2 years manually worked out the measurements, I now began to play with the idea on spreadsheet.

Howevere rather than giving one small table, i multiplied it over and over too the state were fourty measurments have been positioned on the one screen, I also integrated the box frame measurment which will be just as helpful. im at the minute trying to find someone who has the ability to code my software.
Once i get the base of it coded i will work from there.

At the moment the version im doing on spreadsheet allows for the person who is on the chopsaw (we upgraded today from a morso to a cassese chopsaw :) ) to be ahead of the emlploye who is cutting the mount rather than waiting for overall size of the mount,back and glass to measure from.

if you are interested more in the project drop me a pm and ill send you a image of the layout on the spreadsheet :)
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