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Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 12:41 pm
by John
I have heard that Mike Cotterell died on Sunday.

Known as Welshframer on the forum, where he was always ready with his wit and wisdom.

He will be sadly missed.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 12:50 pm
by Keadyart
Sadly missed indeed,very sad news.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 1:46 pm
by Steve N
Sorry to hear that, very sad, will be missed by us all

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 2:12 pm
by birdman
Sorry to hear the sad news about Mike. We have been in contact a few times and I always found him to be a very helpful and amiable individual. I'll certainly raise my glass to him this weekend with other forum members at Stratford-upon-Avon.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 2:30 pm
by Mary Case GCF
I had the privilege of meeting Mike at the last Framer's Forum meet-up in Stratford-upon-Avon. A true gentleman with a wicked sense of humour. Chatted a few times on Facebook and Skype and always had a laugh with him. His Skype pals will all miss him very much.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 6:29 pm
by Nigel Nobody
That's terrible news. He will be missed here, but undoubtedly a sad time for his family and friends.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Fri 25 Mar, 2011 9:20 pm
by Gesso&Bole
A thoroughly nice man, who will be sadly missed.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sat 26 Mar, 2011 9:36 am
by Jonny2morsos
I have just read one of Mike's last posts on the forum. He was hopeful of getting back to his workshop in Wales in the spring.

Sadly he has not been able to.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mike at last year's FF Live and at the social get together after Springfair in 2009.

Mike's contributions to this forum were always well considered and he will be missed.

I am sure I speak for all forum members in extending our sympathies to his family.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sat 26 Mar, 2011 8:54 pm
A very Sad lost to our Forum and sympathies to his family.


Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sat 26 Mar, 2011 9:26 pm
by Steve Goodall
I knew he was ill - we had talked about it at some length - so not a shock as such - but still a surprise - we expect folk to go on forever & suddenly they are gone...

I will miss you!!!

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sun 27 Mar, 2011 12:17 pm
by Grahame Case
Mike will be sadly missed tonight, the last time i saw him was last year at the FF Live.

He's a sad loss, and my thoughts are with his family

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sun 27 Mar, 2011 5:27 pm
by Not your average framer
I am very sorry to hear this news. It was my priviledge to have met Mike, his wife, his dog and and to be warmly welcomed by all three. I had come to his home, which is in a lovely part of rural wales to collect his old Ademco vacuum press which he had offered as free to anyone who would take it away.

I was very glad to have gone and been able to meet such a nice and kind hearted man, who simply could not do enough to help me. I know his loss will be very difficult for his family and send my sincere condolances.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sun 27 Mar, 2011 6:20 pm
by jon buck
Very sad news indeed.

Had a lovely day with Mike at the Last Lion open day .

Being still very new to the Industry and not living far from Mike he was always willing to help in any way .

My heart goes out to Audrey , Mikes wife.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sun 27 Mar, 2011 7:15 pm
by Roboframer
Very sad. I met Mike several times, first time when he called in to my shop one day. A very interesting guy with a great wit.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sun 27 Mar, 2011 9:03 pm
by kev@frames
Mike was genuinely a very nice man. Last we spoke he was planning on getting back to work by the spring. It is a shame there are not more people like Mike around, specially in this business. One of those rare "good guys", often of little words, but always the right ones. and sadly there is one fewer of the good guys
One particular thing about Mike was the way he got stuck in to new technology and combined it with an eye for quality and design, and doing-it-right. -as you can see on his web site. For someone who embraced and looked forward to the future, he was an example of how to work in this business today, not in the past, however old or young you are. its sad that his time was cut short by this terrible illness. Sympathies to Mike's family at this difficult time. He can't be replaced, but he certainly won't be forgotten. RIP Mike.

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Sat 02 Jul, 2011 9:47 am
by Moglet
I am so deeply sorry to find out that Mike is no longer with us. I'll post more later. Right now I need the Kleenex.

My thoughts are with Audrey...

Re: Mike Cotterell - Welshframer

Posted: Thu 28 Jul, 2011 10:35 pm
Hi All

I have not visited the forum for quite a while, so I was so very saddened to hear about Mike. Only met him a couple of times, but he seemed a very nice and all round good egg.
