Estlite on Surface Pro 3

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Estlite on Surface Pro 3

Post by markw »

I've just loaded Estlite on the new Surface Pro 3 and it works very well. I always wanted Estlite on a iPad and this seems to be as close as I can get.
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Re: Estlite on Surface Pro 3

Post by JohnMcafee »

Thanks for the feedback Mark, that's good to know.

EstLite has a built in touch screen numeric keypad, invoked by Alt-K :Slap: However on a more practical note, it would be interesting to investigate how EstLite might be enhanced by using the Touch and Gesture abilities of the Surface Pro.

Mark, how does the Surface Pro fare generally as a substitute for a desktop PC, are there any software migration problems to be aware of?
"A little learning is a dangerous thing"

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Re: Estlite on Surface Pro 3

Post by markw »

Having only had it a few hours I am still finding out the pro's and con's. All the office programs loaded ok and it will run any windows program that you can download - assuming they work with W8. You can get a docking station and Keyboard cover. - Docking station can be plugged into all those things a normal desktop might be connected to. I wanted it to make us a bit more in front of the design desk - as opposed to behind it.
Would love to lose paper printing output and just email customer order - would need some thought on that as that final eyeballing by the customer is fairly important.
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Re: Estlite on Surface Pro 3

Post by IFGL »

We give the customer the option of a paperless order and invoice, all orders are in pdf format and saved to a shared folder to the workshop, who then print it out :Slap: , this bit is necessary as it goes with the frame and mount to identify it, a report also stays with the customers job to identify it to the frame.

Unfortunately paper is still necessary for us, but reduced a little.
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