PLT file guidance

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PLT file guidance

Post by MikeSwannick »

Kind any kind sole give my PLT file the once over please. I've attached a jpg of what I expect it to look like but need to know if the file meets the standard for cutting by a CMC and whether a CMC will produce what I'm expecting. I was going to fill in the areas I expect to cut out but decided against it.

It's a mount with a standard aperture with logo in the bottom left hand corner which should have bits cut out of it.
BB Mount test.JPG
PLT file:
BB logo mount.plt
Be gentle, it's my first one :sweating:

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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by GUNNAR »

Hi Mike

It will depend on the overall size you will want it to cut out. The gap between the collar and the back of the neck seems rather narrow and may not leave any visible face paper. Try adding a contour of between 1.2 and 1.4mm to the design depending at what angle the bevel is cut at. This will give you the visual of what it will look like cut with a bevel. It can completely change the look.

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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by MikeSwannick »

Hello Sarah,

Thanks for the comment, I'll do as you suggest. Just to confirm, the bevel in the Coreldraw file is to simulate the finished product but the .PLT file is hairline sized lines to indicate a cut?

The design is (should be) 33cm x 26.6cm.

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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by GUNNAR »

Hi Mike
Yes. A broader line or a contour in Corel will help you replicate the visual of the bevel in Corel.
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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by Steve N »

Just had a look at your file, and I agree with Sarah about the gap/spaces, majority of them are less than 3mm, some look like only 1mm !, so once you have cut the windows you are not going to have any card left, also, quite a few of your shapes are open, not welded together, ie as this image I pulled it apart, I don't know what CMC you are using but you might find that you will be bevel different on each section of the shape,such as normal on the right hand side and reverse on the left hand side (or vice versa)
Shapes 1.GIF
I would do a continuous path all the way round each shape, don't do it in sections, because you have to then join the sections

Sorry got customers just come in
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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by GUNNAR »

I also had a look at this earlier in the week and my findings were exactly the same as Steve N.


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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by MikeSwannick »

I've changed the design taking into account the gap size, so in the future anything in a design approaching the 3mm gap should be carefully considered.

The gap between the lines I'm surprised at. In Corel, I used 2 point, Bezier, 3 point and another line option when doing the tracing. After zooming in specifically to close up the gaps I thought I'd got it covered. I suspect I haven't correctly 'joined' lines of different line types and I guess doing each shape all in one hit would overcome that? Back to the tutorials then.... :?

Thanks for the input.

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Re: PLT file guidance

Post by Steve N »

You will have to make the gaps far bigger than 3mm as at that size you could fine the mountcard de-laminating , we normally have a minimum gap around 7-8mm. on some our work anything smaller would weaken some parts of the designs we are producing
Don't forget the machine is calibrated for the bottom of the bevel , the bit at the back of the mount nearer to the art work, so the size of the gap could be different on different thickness of mount card
Plus nice sharp blades will also help
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