Estlite did not load properly

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Jacquis Framery
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Estlite did not load properly

Post by Jacquis Framery »

I just installed a demo of Estlite and I think something went wrong. I cannot see anywhere to put customer information, or to load mount boards. I saw a post some time ago where someone had a similar problem and it turned out to be a security or virus program issue. I have Windows 7. All i see is this... Please help!
Estlite screenshot.jpg
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Re: Estlite did not load properly

Post by JohnMcafee »

Not sure what the thread title means, what leads you to believe that EstLite has not loaded properly?

What you are seeing is the main page of EstLite, its primary focus is on job pricing. It is designed to enable the framer to price framing jobs with minimum "faffing". Once priced, the details of the job can be entered into the Details screen - click the Details button to bring up the screen where details about the job and customer can be entered.

For more information about the workings of EstLite you can press the Help button on this main screen, or on most other screens use the F1 key on your heyboard to bring up help appropriate to the page that you are on.

Did you get my reply yo your email query?
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Jacquis Framery
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Re: Estlite did not load properly

Post by Jacquis Framery »

I did receive your email, thank you.
It did load properly. I just didn't explore the program enough. So far it is exactly what I was looking for, but I have loads of other questions. I will first read the help document before I carry on.
Thank you for your help thus far!
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