Pricing differences.

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Pricing differences.

Post by Justintime »

Hi John,
I hope you can help with this.
I'm not at work now but can give more specifics tomorrow.
If I take the price of the moulding and add it manually a frame was coming out at around £75.
When I input the code it was coming out at £55ish.
A massive difference.
Is there a reason for this?
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Pricing differences.

Post by Ed209 »

I have noticed that with Wessex pricing if I input the moulding as GUEST and put the width and price per meter in I get a completely different price by a big margin to entering it as a moulding code.
A work around I now use if the moulding Is not in the database (Lion doesn’t seem to have updates that often but obviously have new ranges) I just find another moulding that I know is in there with the same price per meter and width. As a footnote Wessex are very good when it comes to price and new ranges updates for their pricing software.

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Re: Pricing differences.

Post by JohnMcafee »

Hi Justin,
>If I take the price of the moulding and add it manually
Can you expan on this please?
Are you manually entering a new item into the table of stocked mouldings? If so, please describe the steps taken (in as much detail as possible).
Also are you running BBEst or EstLite?
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Re: Pricing differences.

Post by Justintime »

HI John
I mean if I put the price per metre to me including vat, into the Moulding No. box, when the Moulding No. box is set to Moulding Price instead of Moulding ID.
No, I have never used the table of stocked mouldings.
99% of my mouldings are from Rose&Hollis who wont supply a price list for Estlite.
I'm running Estlite
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Re: Pricing differences.

Post by JohnMcafee »

If I understand correctly, the moulding codes for your supplier are not in the system.
>When I input the code it was coming out at £55ish.
What code is it that you are inputing?
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Re: Pricing differences.

Post by Justintime »

Very occasionally, I sell a prefinished moulding. Let's say Wessex WX.C2195.
If I input the price per metre including VAT (£7.37) the frame price comes out at £74.40
However if I enter the Wessex code WX.C2195 it comes out at £51.20 .
My default action is to input the price, as their handwritten codes on the chevrons are sometimes illegible/incomplete/incorrect etc
I'm just trying to figure out where the error is, to create such a disparity between one method and the other.
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Re: Pricing differences.

Post by JohnMcafee »

Two points to consider.
  • Moulding prices are entered into EstLite exclusive of vat. The program will calculate the VAT if you choose the additive vat rete in Options>general.
  • The program works best, yielding the most consistent and accurate results when you use the moulding table.
The Moulding Table carries the all-important moulding width which is a significant factor when determining the price of a frame. When the price input method is used, EstLite is not given the moulding width, so it makes a stab at guessing the width based on the price, following the rule that the cheaper the moulding the skinnier it is. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, shuch as your example where it figures that the width of a moulding costing 7.37 would be significantly wider than the 1 inch that it actually is. So it ends up over-pricing the job.

If you can not persuade your supplier to provide you with a machine readable price list that includes moulding widths, then you should consider creating your own by entering the data manually into your Moulding Table.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

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Re: Pricing differences.

Post by Justintime »

Thanks John, I understand.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain.
Justin George GCF(APF)
Insta: georgetheframer
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