Gummed Tape Dispenser

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Gummed Tape Dispenser

Post by mitretight »

After many years of framing and using a mix of self adhesive and gummed tape, I have made the decision to use gummed tape on all my frames from now on. I came across this tape dispenser for the bargin price of
£ 22.29 inclusive of VAT and delivery. ... ZT1056867X

Significantly cheaper than my usual supplier! It may pursuade others to change to gummed tape, to me, it gives a more professional finish to the back of the frame plus, it's half the price of self adhesive.
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Re: Gummed Tape Dispenser

Post by Justintime »

Thanks, I've been waiting for an offer on one of these.
I know people use a takeaway container with a sponge but...
Justin George GCF(APF)
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Re: Gummed Tape Dispenser

Post by Not your average framer »

Gosh, that's quite cheap. I don't need one as I already have two of the same model and now there's only one of me, but if anyone is thinking whether thay are a good thing to have, I can whole heartedly recommend them as they same time and make wetting the tape so easy and straightforward.
Mark Lacey

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Re: Gummed Tape Dispenser

Post by Folly framing »

ooh, thanks for the mention! Just ordered one. A good start to the day!
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Re: Gummed Tape Dispenser

Post by prospero »

You can't really go far wrong at that price. But it's aimed at packaging boxes, so it's as good as it needs to be for that purpose.

I've had my dispenser since the '80s and it cost about £400. It's paid for itself many times over and still going strong.
It has a handle to automatically measure the length, wet it and cut it off neatly.

You might be looking for similar in a few weeks. :wink:

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