Rounding Prices

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Rounding Prices

Post by Jo »

Can the prices in EstLite be rounded to make nicer numbers? I thought I had done this once before as all my prices come to the nearest 10p but now I can't find the setting (if there is one!) - I thought I might round to the nearest £1 instead. Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: Rounding Prices

Post by JohnMcafee »

Hi Jo
EstLite automatically rounds up to an even 10p
I've never felt the need to have the program round to whole pounds. At Scenes we always charge only the whole pound part of the total price and ignore the pence, I think that, small as discount may be,it kind of puts us in a positive light in the eyes of our customers. They can see that we are not into them for every last penny, and also that in this computer age this framer is taking a stand for human kind and is refusing to be dictated to by the machine! :happy:
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Re: Rounding Prices

Post by Justintime »

I second this and would even go further and say rounding up to the nearest £5 would be even better. Lots of my customers prefer round numbers.
I must be taking your comments too literally John, but really?? I thought the whole point of your software was that once it's setup, it's a case of "the machine never lies" and that no customer argues with what's on the screen!
My accountant would be on the phone straight away, if all my payments in were different from the invoices issued.
Justin George GCF(APF)
Insta: georgetheframer
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