Who holds the power?

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Who holds the power?

Post by whitbyframer »

Hi Everyone. As if running your own business doesn't keep you busy enough, I've gone and got myself accepted onto a PhD programme of study where I'm investigating the factors affecting the framing trade. :sweating:

Here's where I need your help. Of all of the stakeholders in the framing trade (and no, I don't mean those delicious big hunks of beef grilled and served with fried onions), who do YOU think holds the power in the trade? Who do we all follow? I always thought that it was the big suppliers such as Larson Juhl but I've had my eyes opened to other possibilities during my research.

So come on, don't be shy to give your opinion :lol:
Not your average framer
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Re: Who holds the power?

Post by Not your average framer »

Without us framers the big suppliers would have no customers and of course we are dependant on them too. I think that it works both ways. As one who does a lot of hand finishing and also stacked mouldings, together with a bit of machining various bits of wood to make up sections that fit between two different mouldings stacked to make a larger frame profile. I can easily appreciate the fact that there are instances where some frames are completed without needing mouldings to be supplied by a normal framing suppliers.

Some picture frame makers still produce picture frames in the time honoured way from bygone years, where there picture frame hand crafted the moulding before making the frame became a possibility. We have a number of members on this furum who do just that and also prepare these frames with gesso, bole and gold leaf. Factory produced and factory finished mouldings are only one aspect of this market.
Mark Lacey

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Keith Hewitt
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Re: Who holds the power?

Post by Keith Hewitt »

What a great post, should get a really good response.
IMHO whilst the big suppliers have a definite part to play, there are many more sources out there

There is a whole range of influencers.
In no particular order

This forum for a start.

The Grumble https://www.thegrumble.com/

Framers ONLY on Face Book https://www.facebook.com/groups/393302711109534

FATG and their magazine - Art & Framing Today. Plus their GCF trainers and examiners.

The videos produced by many of the manufacturers and some of the distributors.

Other framers with whom you may have contact. Its surprising how much you can learn (be influenced) by visiting other frame shops.

Also what you can see when looking at on line framing companies.

There's a few for starters. :giggle:
Keith Hewitt
I have visited distributors and framers in over 100 countries - no two are the same.
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Re: Who holds the power?

Post by whitbyframer »

Thanks for the quick replies guys, more food for thought :clap:
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Re: Who holds the power?

Post by JFeig »

I see the custom picture industry more as a sub-category of home decor industry. As a very small segment of the home decor industry (only less than 5% have visited a custom framer), we take the lead from the giant gorilla.
Jerome Feig CPF®
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