I had two delivery visits from Tuffnell today, very strange!

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Not your average framer
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I had two delivery visits from Tuffnell today, very strange!

Post by Not your average framer »

I order intems from three supplier to be delivery today and they all came from the same deport, but two came on one van and the other on another van. I wonder why they did that? If put it all on the same van surely it would have less bother!
Mark Lacey

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Re: I had two delivery visits from Tuffnell today, very strange!

Post by Jag62 »

Hi Mark,

At least they all turned up. They've always operated like this. I bought the kids a trampoline for Christmas a couple of years ago. It was delivered by Tuffnels. Correction, half of it (parcel 2 of 2) was delivered by Tuffnels - the other half (parcel 1 of 2) never turned up !

Does seem inefficient but given todays tracking capabilities (ha ha) and the volumes they deal with & unpredictability of what will be ready to collect I guess it kind of makes some sense.

Not your average framer
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Re: I had two delivery visits from Tuffnell today, very strange!

Post by Not your average framer »

Hi Neil,

Such are the marvels of this modern age! At least now I've some things to work with I'll be able to do a few things. I've bought 1,000 slip over hangers for the backs on ready made frames and some bendy tabs and semi rigid tabs from Lion and the rest is all mouldings from Rose and Hollis, plus Simons. It all a bit hot and humid right now, but I'm planning to go down to the shop in a bit and make a few sample chevrons from the mouldings which have arrived.

There's also nothing to stop me making a few ready made frames from some budget moulding in the batch of mouldings, which came yesterday from Simons. These budget Simons mouldings are nothing very special, but they will look not bad for basic ready made frames. I'm thinking that if the shop windows look good, then the bits of the shop which have yet been sorted, won't get noticed so much. I guess that I had better get busy qute soon now that I have got enough slip over hangers to produce 1,000 ready made frames. Ha ha!

I don't think that there's much chance of making and selling that many!

Mark Lacey

“Life is short. Art long. Opportunity is fleeting. Experience treacherous. Judgement difficult.”
― Geoffrey Chaucer
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