Pricing Increases

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Pricing Increases

Post by cmaclean »

Hi Fellow framers

What is the best and easiest way in Estlite to increase the prices of all the materials by 15%. All my suppliers have put their prices up again and I need to pass some of them on. I know you will know the answer.
Cheers and thanks
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by JohnMcafee »

In EstLite Version 8.51 or later

Prices.jpg (89.84 KiB) Viewed 11828 times
You can select All from the drop-down list, or choose the frame elements individually.

Table of Stocked Mouldings
Mouldings.jpg (133.95 KiB) Viewed 11828 times
Note: EstLite has the ability to automatically update your moulding prices if it has access to your suppliers' current price list. Perhaps your suppliers in NZ would be interested in providing you with this service. PM or email me if you would like to explore this option.
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by cmaclean »

Thanks John
I've upgraded to 8.5.1 and it all works as you said it would. I get the *.csv files from my suppliers and update their prices manually. I add the moulding prices for the mouldings as I use them, so that works quite well for me. Thanks again for your help on this one.
Cheers Campbell
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by jay »

Is there a way to undo an adjustment to prices?
I was playing around in the Options page and increased "All" prices by 20%, and now can't find a way to undo!! :oops:
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by JohnMcafee »

No problem, if you haven't saved yet, enter 0% and all will revert to original.

If the change has already been saved, then restore from the previous backup.

In the Options/Data page, press Alt-Z (on your keyboard) before Restore and only the pricing data will be restored, this way Customer and Job data will remain intact and not get overwritten by the previous backup's data.
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by jay »

Thank you for your reply John. I must've already "saved" it, and tried your suggestion, but it didn't work. I've decided to leave the 20% increase as I'm working my way through my longest backlog ever, and with price increases across the board, I realise I'm working for less than I'd like, so even if I lose some custom I'll happily "work less for more" 😃
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by JohnMcafee »

So it turns out that you did yourself a favour with your happy accident. :D

I should have pointed out that the restore thing would only work if restoring from a backup that was made from before the "happy accident"

However, I agree 100% that you should leave things as they are, I doubt that you will regret it.
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by jay »

Hi John

Yes, I'm happy with my "accident" :D

I seem to remember a few years back you increased your prices by 20% thinking you'd probably see a reduction in workload, but it didn't happen!

I also remember you saying that if you don't have around 20% of folk thinking you're too expensive, then you're probably too cheap?!

See.... I do 'listen'!! :lol:

Thanks for your help as always.....
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Re: Pricing Increases

Post by Not your average framer »

It seems to me that whether your prices are too high, or too low, there's always people who complain about your prices. I always manage to get enough work, even after having recently put my prices up. Putting up your prices by 20 percent is not something to worry about, as you will need to put your prices up more than that to have any serious effect on your work levels.

After my heart attack, I put my prices up twice by 20 percent in quick sucession hoping to reduce my work load and it had the opposite effect, my work load actually increased. If you are hoping to reduce your work load by increasing your prices, it does not appear to have the desired effect at all. I am needing to double prices that I need to charge for glass, because glass prices which I have need to pay for glass have doubled since I last bought any.

If glass prices continue to rise at this rate,it might be a wise move to increase your glass prices a bit more, so that you won't get hammered too much when you need to order more glass. I stocked up on bare pine mouldings earlier in the current crisis, so I'm quite well set for basis moulding stocks. I think that it's not going to be very easy to be sure what our purchasing prices for framing materials are likely to be doing as time goes on.
Mark Lacey

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