OOPS ! Deleted customer of 10 years ...

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OOPS ! Deleted customer of 10 years ...

Post by Bagpuss »

I've no idea quite how I did it but I must have accidentally deleted my 87 year old artist friend from my system, with 10 years of records still floating around but without a customer associated with them. It's not the end of the world , just a shame really, I'm running version 9.08, I've only just noticed the "Delete Cust" button in the bottom left hand corner of the Customer and Job view, is this new ? It's probably been there forever, have never noticed it, thought I could have clicked on it by mistake.

The only thing I have tried is doing s Re-Index but no joy....

Is there any hope of getting customer back and associated with the records ?

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Re: OOPS ! Deleted customer of 10 years ...

Post by JohnMcafee »

You have a couple of options.
  1. Restore from the last backup made before the unfortunate deletion, and manually recreate the more recent records of the customers and jobs that are lost as a result.
  2. Email me the zip file of the current EstLite backup, and the numbers of a couple of jobs belonging to the missing customer.
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Re: OOPS ! Deleted customer of 10 years ...

Post by JohnMcafee »

Adam, since you "have quite no idea how I did it", I'll walk you through how it happened.
As an example, I'll remove a customer (AA Framing Customer) from my records.

1. Click the shiny new button - marked "Remove Cust"
2021-11-01 (4).png
EstLite gives me the opportunity to decide if I really want to remove my old friend AA

2. Of course I do, so Click Yes
2021-11-01 (5).png
2021-11-01 (5).png (10.38 KiB) Viewed 5851 times
Estlite explains what is about to happen and asks me if I want to continue

3 Absolutely, I've told you a couple of times already, get on with it
2021-11-01 (2).png
2021-11-01 (2).png (10.02 KiB) Viewed 5851 times
EstLite lets me know that the consequence of my action is permanent and again asks if I want to continue.

Please continue, I know what I'm doing. :D

Adam, there are actually four opportunities to abort this action and not complete the deletion, I really thought it was impossible to do it accidentally.
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Re: OOPS ! Deleted customer of 10 years ...

Post by Bagpuss »

Thanks for the detailed replies John, just to reassure you, I certainly didn't click on the new Delete Cust button, even I would have spotted the 4 warnings : ) Up until a month ago I was using an older version of Estlite, I guess there was an easier way to delete a customer record in the Customer screen perhaps, my bad.

I'm hoping this was a one off on my part, fingers crossed and thanks again.

My real name is Adam Laver aka "Adam The Picture Framer", just in case you were unsure ; )
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Re: OOPS ! Deleted customer of 10 years ...

Post by JohnMcafee »

Because of its potential for harm, the safety measures were built into the <Delete Cust> button right from the start, so it works exactly the same way on every version of EstLite with that feature. If it were possible to bypass my safeguards in a previous version, then the possibility still exists!

I have tried without success to replicate your problem, there is just no way (that I can find) to delete a customer "at the touch of a button".

I haven't received your backup zip file for repair, have you managed to fix it yourself?
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