2 programmes on one pc

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China shop
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2 programmes on one pc

Post by China shop »

Hi John
We have been running two shops for the last 10 years or so and have had Estlite in both. We have just closed one of the shops and would like to know if I can have two Estlite programmes running on the same computer so I can upload all customer details etc from the closed down shop onto computer in remaining shop so we can see previous orders without disrupting the programme already being used?
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Re: 2 programmes on one pc

Post by JohnMcafee »

You may have noticed that it is possible to run two copies of the program on the same computer, but the intention here is to allow you to serve two customers simultaneously. As both instances access the same dataset, this ability would not serve your purpose.

However, as it stands, EstLite could import the Customer list (but not the associated jobs) from your old shop.
Using this method: -
  • On the old computer
    • Options>Data>Export.
    • Use Excel to open the resulting file - Documents\Customers\EstNad.dbf - and convert it to a scv file
    • place the csv file on a pen drive
  • On the current computer
    • Options>Data>Import a customer list
  • Ii this is outside your comfort zone, I'll be happy to help
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China shop
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Re: 2 programmes on one pc

Post by China shop »

Thanks for the quick reply.

It is really the jobs as well as the customers we need, so we can check what frames etc. they had in the past.

If not possible we will just have to keep the program on the old computer and use that when needed.
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