Picture Framing Magazine Book Sale

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Picture Framing Magazine Book Sale

Post by Justintime »

PFM website have a 25% discount on their books at the moment. Their delivery charges may be extortionate and it may be more use as a reference as to what's good and out there...I don't know. I can highly recommend the Greg Perkins Guide to design book. I subscribe to their magazine too.
Justin George GCF(APF)
Insta: georgetheframer
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Keith Hewitt
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Re: Picture Framing Magazine Book Sale

Post by Keith Hewitt »

Good plug Justintime

I can personally recommend Meg Glasgow's "RECHARGE YOUR BUSINESS"
I've lent to it to numerous framers, and they all said how it helped them.
Keith Hewitt
I have visited distributors and framers in over 100 countries - no two are the same.
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