I have been lurking for a little while but feel the time is right to pop in properly and say hello.

I am hoping to set up a small framing business very shortly, and although I have dreams I am lacking somewhat in technical ability, experience and (to some extent) confidence. So now I really need to stop thinking and start 'doing'!
My husband is an artist and the idea of framing has built up over the last few months as our local framer retired and the galleries he displays with often want items ready to hang. He also sells a lot of work online and would like to offer buyers a framed option.
So, after conversations with a good local framing wholesaler, I acquired a second-hand Morso, Casesse underpinner and have a Logan mount cutter, all of which I am getting to grips with on my own projects, and I know perfection will only come through practice.
Although I am not advertising, word has been trickling out locally that I can offer framing and I have done some simple jobs so I am hopeful there is a need locally. But before I go any further, I really need to undertake some training so I can offer a more professional service. This I think is my most pressing need, as I want to feel confident I am using the proper techniques from the outset.
Does anyone have recommendations? I have been looking at Guild-Certified Trainers, but am unsure if this is the only option? I am in Mid -Wales so expect to travel.
I have many other questions on both the framing and business aspects as I feel at a bit of a cross-roads in which direction to go, but I think they will be better in the Business section.
If you have read all this, thank you and I look forward to learning from you all and picking your brains.
