Workshop listening

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Posts: 2171
Joined: Fri 01 Oct, 2010 11:49 am
Location: Lincolnshire
Organisation: Ashcraft Framing
Interests: Family, x-country skiing, wine, art, Jazz
Location: Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

Workshop listening

Post by GeoSpectrum »

Shameless promotion here. If you would like something different to listen to while working on frames you could try my new side line. Big Band Radio.

The site streams Big Band Jazz 24/7. No talking and no adverts. So if you like a bit of Basie, Ellington, Kenton, Dorsey etc
please visit the site. Its early days but ill be developing in over the coming months, adding more music and features as funds allow.

Alan Huntley
Ashcraft Framing
Bespoke Easels and Self-assembly tray frames
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