Hello from Herefordshire!

Say hello, and tell us a little about yourself.
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Hello from Herefordshire!

Post by CreativePhotographer »

Although I live in Malvern, I have recently taken on a studio just over the border in beautiful Herefordshire. I'm a photographer, with my passion being Creative Photography and I've just started selling my work.
For a while I've been thinking about doing my own framing so have decided to take the plunge! (I'm a young 60 year old so life in the old dog yet)!! :P I've lined up some training with a lovely chap (he's a professional trainer and part of the Fine Art Trade Guild and already has been very helpful and giving of his time). What I need to do is source good condition second hand apparatus. This is all a bit of a mine field but my trainer has given me some good pointers. Someone on this forum mentioned a chap who sells second hand machinery.. (sorry I don't remember his name at the mo). I think the three main big things I need to buy is a morso, mount cutter and underpinner? Interestingly on ebay there's a whole workshop up for grabs.. it's appealing but I'm not sure if this is the best route to go down as I need to look more closely at the state of the apparatus.

I know I'll get there.. I just wanted to say 'hi' and it's great to be part of this forum!
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Re: Hello from Herefordshire!

Post by Gesso&Bole »

Hi Anna

Welcome to the forum.

I'm sure you will find lots of help and advice here. There can be some bargain equipment on ebay, but there is also plenty that will require replacement parts, and significant tinkering before you get professional results. This can make it tricky if you don't know exactly what you are looking for. Certainly ask advice on here before parting with your cash.

Alternatively, I have a recent model Deluxe Morso available, with 3 sets of sharp blades, in excellent condition. I can deliver, set up, and provide you with an hours training on how to use it for £1350. PM me if you want pictures and detailed spec.
Jeremy (Jim) Anderson
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Re: Hello from Herefordshire!

Post by prospero »

Hail and Welcome to the Forum. :clap:
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Re: Hello from Herefordshire!

Post by Justintime »

Many places to find second hand equipment. Most of the suppliers have a regular list of equipment. Wessex Pictures do, Peter at Framers Equipment in Northampton services and sells equipment. TGS Repairs often have pneumatic underpinners. Honestly, here is probably the best place! You'll get much better deals buying each piece separately. I've rarely seen a bundle that is worth it.
Morso is obviously the best guillotine make. Mountcutters are Keencut and Fletcher (Logan is hobby equipment...), underpinners Cassese, Alfamachine etc. If you're looking for a foot operated underpinner, I'd recommend a Cassese CS88, discontinued now but imo far superior in every way to the new model CS1.
Justin George GCF(APF)
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Re: Hello from Herefordshire!

Post by CreativePhotographer »

Thanks for replies back... I need to read up on all info and will make some decisions. And thank you Jim for your kind offer… again… let me have a read up of info and will get back to you. :clap:
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