Removing grease stains from mountboard

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Mary Lever
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Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Mary Lever »

I have a small grease/oil stain on a mount. I was told I could remove it using an iron, brown paper and lime juice. Does anyone know how much and how one should apply the lime juice? Or does anyone have an effective way of removing an oil/grease spot? Thanks,

Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Jamesnkr »

Putting brown paper over the stain and then using an iron on it may work.

Lime juice, though is a 'traditional' invisible ink, developed by heating it. Surely the lime juice will leave you with a brown splodge instead?

Time to experiment, I'd have thought...
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Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by StevenG »

Have you tried a few applications of lighter fluid?

Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Roboframer »

Unless it can be removed quickly and/or unless the mount has a fillet, deep bevel/whatever attached or is hand decorated, I'd toss it and cut another one, but in those cases I have had success with clean water, brushed with a progressively dry brush and also with extra fine (like 240 grit) paper - as long as it's an off white board, in fact the water method, or any liquid method can be bad on coloured boards, can leave a tidemark.


Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Graysalchemy »

I would bin it and start again it's not worth the time and effort compared to the cost of a sheet of Mount board.

Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Roboframer »

Yeahbutnobut, what if it's washlined and edged with real gold leaf!

Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Graysalchemy »

Well if that was the case I would have priced in for wastage anyway so it woukd be no different to a standard xheet. I think if you start trying to bodge in imperfection or error you are doing your customer a disservice, they are not paying for mistakes or imperfections.

Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Roboframer »

Material wastage is factored in anyway - but not really on something that is priced pretty much on time alone and I'd be looking at complete and fast removal with no trace or toss it anyway - not a bodge.

Even the simple plain mount is worth a quick go at before writing it off.
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Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Hali »

Regarding the method you mentioned using an iron, brown paper, and lime juice, I'm not familiar with that specific technique. However, I can offer some general advice and a great informative content for removing oil and grease stains .

One common method is to use a dish soap solution. Mix a small amount of dish soap (about a teaspoon) with warm water to create a sudsy solution. Then, using a clean cloth or sponge, gently dab the solution onto the stain. Blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to rinse away the soap solution and stain.

Another option is to use a solvent like rubbing alcohol or white vinegar. Apply a small amount of the solvent to a clean cloth and gently blot the stain. Repeat as needed, then rinse with warm water and blot dry. and you guys can read info here ... f-clothes/

For particularly stubborn stains, you might try using a grease-cutting product like Goo Gone or WD-40. Apply a small amount to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes, then gently blot away the stain with a clean cloth.
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Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Justintime »

Wow that's an old post that you've resurrected Hali!
I just have to say that WD40 is reserved for equipment in my shop (and rarely then). It's use will instantly wipe out any Conservation/acid free qualities of the mountboard and leave you with an offgassing issue. The simplest solution if possible, is to cut another mount with a slightly larger window and create a double mount hiding the offence.
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Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by JKX »

RoboFramer’s advice is spot on to get the spot off :-)
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Re: Removing grease stains from mountboard

Post by Hali »

Al right, Thanks for letting me know about the potential issues with using WD-40 on a mountboard. I had no idea it could affect the conservation and acid-free properties of the board. That's definitely good to keep in mind for future reference.
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