Retirement and...

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Retirement and...

Post by GeoSpectrum »

I've not been on the Forum for some time but I thought i'd drop in to say hello and announce my retirement. It's been on the cards for about a year and the time has finally come.

I haven't made any frames for over a year now as I've been working on my side business of making wall easels. More of which later.

I'd just like to say a big thank you to all members of the Forum, some I have met in person but many I have not. The information and encouragement given over the years was invaluable to making a good start in framing back in 2009 when I started.

Framing has been fun but its time to stop.

If anyone fancies an additional string to their bow or a complete change of tack I'm also planning on closing my easel making business, which has done better than I imagined it would with sales all over the UK and Europe and a good number in the USA as well. Some to well know London Art institutions. It would include a fully functional website, the necessary tools and equipment, the patterns and software licence required to make the parts, training and advice and encouragement

If you are curious please send me a PM

Alan Huntley
Ashcraft Framing
Bespoke Easels and Self-assembly tray frames
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Re: Retirement and...

Post by Tudor Rose »

Sorry to see you go as you've been an invaluable member of the Forum for many years. I hope you have a relaxing, enjoyable and very long retirement - you've certainly earned it!

All the very best to you.

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Re: Retirement and...

Post by Justintime »

I thought you'd been quiet lately Alan!
It's extraordinary that you pulled back from one successful business and created another one in such a short space of time. :clap:
Don't get rid of all of your tools, I'm sure you'll have a successful "retirement hobby" business up and running in no time!
Good luck and enjoy your retirement.
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Re: Retirement and...

Post by Rainbow »

It's been good to see you around the forum over the years, and I hope you enjoy a long and very happy retirement :clap:
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Re: Retirement and...

Post by fine-art-trade-guild »


Enjoy retirement, you've been a constant on this forum, and your presence will certainly be missed.


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Re: Retirement and...

Post by JKX »

Congratulations on your retirement, Alan!

No need to be a stranger, I didn’t even (re) register until after we retired, which was Sept 21, but it seems like more than twice that long ago.
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Re: Retirement and...

Post by GeoSpectrum »

Thanks for the good wishes. Ill be hanging on to some tools but my main activities will be the caravan, playing jazz guitar and oil painting and apparently I have quite a long list of jobs around the house and gardens to make start on...
Alan Huntley
Ashcraft Framing
Bespoke Easels and Self-assembly tray frames
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