credit card terminal

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credit card terminal

Post by sisters »

I use payment sense /clover for my credit card processing
My contract is ending and am looking into alternatives

Happy to think about square or similar

does anybody use anything that would cut my costs :?: and works well :?:

last month on an approx £10,000 take on credit and debit cards ,cost for month processing and equip hire total was £125
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Re: credit card terminal

Post by JFeig »

The information that you posted does not tell us a "discount" rate for only the credit cards. These rates vary greatly based on the type of card that is taken as well as the average size of the transaction. They can be basic cards, business, or "cash back/mileage" types. Debit cards are usually processed for a flat fee.
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Re: credit card terminal

Post by Justintime »

I use Square, it's a flat rate fee of 1.75% for machine transactions and 2.5% for over the phone payments.
As you can see, it is more expensive than your contracted terminal. I believe that if you process over £5k/month then a terminal with contract will work out the best deal.
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Re: credit card terminal

Post by JonathanB »

I was with Barclaycard and then switched to SumUp - really like it and a flat 1.69% with very quick settling of payments - around 36 hours. You can have a little hand held bluetooth card reader for about £30.00 or they also do fancier POS counter based models. I like being able to send payment requests via text for when the customer wants to pay remotely.
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Re: credit card terminal

Post by sisters »

Thanks for the responses that were helpful,
yes it does seem being on a contract is slightly cheaper, considering 3/4 of takings is debit card on a much cheaper rate , the credit card rate is 1.2 but you then have a authorisation fee, and rental to factor in .......
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Re: credit card terminal

Post by pramsay13 »

1.25% is not a bad rate. If it's working well for you I would just continue.

Imagine you spend just 1 hour looking into new machines then to make it worthwhile you would need to get a rate of 1% or lower (assuming you work for £25 an hour.
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