An excellent second hand Morso F including Right Hand measuring arm.
Just been fully serviced with foot pedal springs, blade bolts and the dreaded tie rod pin all freshly replaced and in excellent condition. It also comes with a fresh set of blades . Please see photographs.
I am based in St. Sndrews, Scotland.
Buyer collects. £850.00 (ONO)
Please contact me on 07973 910298/01334 844800
Second Hand Morso F with right hand metric measuring arm
Forum rules
All sellers are required to have a forum profile that identifies them clearly. (Such as - name, surname, location, business name et cetera)
All sellers are required to have a forum profile that identifies them clearly. (Such as - name, surname, location, business name et cetera)
- Posts: 155
- Joined: Mon 17 Dec, 2012 12:22 am
- Location: St. Andrews
- Organisation: Elite Framing
- Interests: Cars, framing
Re: Second Hand Morso F with right hand metric measuring arm
Also included will be a waste chute.. and automatic rebate system