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Post by michelle »

Hi John
I actually put that in initially and then edited it out thinking that people would get themselves there (knowing what a bright bunch the forum lot are!!) and if they didn't it would give them food for thought. It was obviously at the expense of a good joke. Well perhaps good is pushing it really, probably says more about my sense of humour than anything else.
Never was any good at jokes.

Post by Roboframer »


Two birds on a perch - one says 'Can you smell fish"?
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Post by michelle »

Now you are on my wavelength. I assure you it is not a good place to be.
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Post by prospero »

Two farmers, Alf and George, in the pub on market day.....

Alf:"Now then George. How ya getting on then?".
George:"Well not too good Alf as it 'appens. My best cow has got a touch of the colic".
Alf: "Arrr one of mine was had that a few weeks ago".
George:"Is that right? What did you do about it?".
Alf: "Well I gave her a bucket of turpentine to drink".
George: "Oh? I haven't tried that. I'll go home straight away and give her a dose".

Next market day.....

George: "Heyup Alf. I got a bone to pick with thee. I did what you said about my cow. I got her a bucket of turpentine. She drank it all down and dropped down dead!"
Alf: "Arrr. So did mine".
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Post by Mr Bojangles »

An elderly couple, Ray and Bessie are "snowbirds" in Texas. Ray always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots. Seeing some on sale one day, he buys them, wears them home, walking proudly into the house and says to his wife:

"Notice anything different about me?" Bessie looks him over, "Nope".

Frustrated, Ray storms off into the bathroom, undresses and walks back into the room completely naked except for the boots. Again, he asks a little louder this time, "Notice anything different now??"

Bessie looks up and says, "Ray, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday, it'll be hanging down again tomorrow."


To which Bessie replies, "Shoulda bought a hat, Ray. Shoulda bought a hat!"
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Post by Moglet »

LOL! :lol:
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In My Defence

Post by Ricky »

Defense Attorney:
Will you please state your age?

Little Old Lady:
I am 86 years old.

Defense Attorney:
Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st?

Little Old Lady:
There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening,
when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me.

Defense Attorney:
Did you know him?

Little Old Lady:
No, but he sure was friendly.

Defense Attorney:
What happened after he sat down?

Little Old Lady:
He started to rub my thigh.

Defense Attorney:
Did you stop him?

Little Old Lady:
No, I didn't stop him.

Defense Attorney:
Why not?

Little Old Lady:
It felt good. Nobody had done that since my Albert died some 30 years ago.

Defense Attorney:
What happened next?

Little Old Lady:
He began to rub my breasts.

Defense Attorney:
Did you stop him then?

Little Old Lady:
No, I did not stop him.

Defense Attorney:
Why not?

Little Old Lady:
His rubbing made me feel all alive and excited. I haven't felt that good in years!

Defense Attorney:
What happened next?

Little Old Lady:
Well, by then, I was feeling so 'spicy' that I just laid down and told him:
Take me, young man. Take me now!

Defense Attorney:

Did he take you?

Little Old Lady:
Hell, no! He just yelled, 'April Fool!' And that's when I shot him, the little bastard!
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Post by Moglet »

Seemed like a logical place to post this...

Thanks to whoever included the JGF entry in The Oracle. Got a seriously good giggle out o' that one! :lol:
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Post by prospero »

Also check under 'Rep'

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Post by Bill Henry »

Until you guys mentioned it, I didn’t know there was a glossary here.

I finally found it and checked out both “JGF” and “Rep”. Brilliant! :lol:
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Post by Moglet »

Perhaps you might like to add a couple of entries, Bill? 'Barking Spider' would be a great candidate! :lol:
........Áine JGF SGF FTB
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Post by Roboframer »

Evergreen slug another!

(Don't ask him what a wreltney is - please!)
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Post by Merlin »

Doctor's don't laugh.

The Doctor said 'Of course I won't laugh. I'm a professional. In over twenty years I've never laughed at a patient.'

'Okay then.' Fred said, and proceeded to drop his trousers, revealing the tiniest 'thingy' the doctor had ever seen. It couldn't have been bigger than the size of an AAA battery.

Unable to control himself, the doctor started giggling, then fell laughing to the floor. Ten minutes later he was able to struggle to his feet and regain his composure

'I'm so vey sorry' said the Doctor. 'I really am. I don't know what came over me. On my honour as a doctor and a gentleman, I promise it won't happen again. Now, what seems to be the problem?'

'It's swollen', said Fred.
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Post by Moglet »

LMAO!!!!! :lol:
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Post by Mr Bojangles »

Man said to his wife "I had to show the grey hairs on my chest to get my pension"
Wife said "you should have dropped your trousers and we would have got disability allowance"
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Post by Mr Bojangles »

Man in hospital bed wearing oxygen mask over his mouth "nurse" he mumbles are my testicles black"? Nurse raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles in the other. She takes a close look and says "there is nothing wrong with them sir". Man pulls off the oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly "thanks for that it was wonderful but listen very closely and"!

Post by Roboframer »

Old Ned the poacher is making his way home after a very bad morning, just two rabbits, when he sees the vicar approaching him.

The vicar has a rucksack full of rabbits, 4 in each hand, six hanging off his belt and a couple poking out of his pockets.

"Good grief, Vicar" says Ned - "how did you catch that lot?"

"Aaah" says the vicar, "little trick I learned in the army, what you do is rub your hand around your wife's lady bits - put a leather glove on, find your burrow, remove glove, put your hand down the burrow for about 30 secs - and wait. They just come out one after the other, chop chop - I had to leave with them still pouring out - couldn't carry any more"

"I'm having some of that" says Ned and dashes home.

His wife is bending over the oven, basting a chicken - he lifts her skirt and - er - follows the instructions above.

Without turning around his wife says "Oooooooooooh - you off poaching again, Vicar?"
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Post by prospero »

RDRRR. :lol: nice one.

Vicar walking down the road one morning. He meets a lady pushing pram.
In the pram are twin babies. Walking behind are are twin boys about 8 years old. Behind them are twin girls about 6 years old, each leading another little twin toddler by the hand.

"Good Morning my Dear", says the Vicar with a big smile. "What a delightful family. Such a joy to behold". "Tell me, do you always have twins?"

The lady blushes slightly and replies...

"Oh no Vicar". "Most of the time we don't get anything at all".
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Post by w00dward »

A man walks into a bar - he sits down and orders a drink. The barman gives him his drink, accompanied by a bowl of peanuts. To his surprise, a voice comes from the peanut bowl. "You look great tonight!" it said, "You really look fantastic... and that aftershave is just wonderful!"

The man is obviously a little confused, but tries to ignore it. Realizing he has no cigarettes he wanders over to the cigarette machine. After inserting his money, another voice emits from the machine. "You're a TOTAL JERK... And you STINK... Do you know, you're almost AS UGLY AS YOUR MOTHER!"

By now, the man is extremely perplexed. He turns to the barman for an explanation. "Ah yes sir," the barman responds, "The peanuts are complimentary, but the cigarette machine is out of order."

Alcohol does not make you FAT
- it makes you LEAN ….
against tables, chairs, floors, walls and ugly people.
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The "Wreltney" joke

Post by Bill Henry »

Thanks for reminding me, John. :P


There was a little boy by the name of Mike. Mike was an ordinary little boy who did ordinary little boy things, like playing, eating, avoiding his bath, breaking things, and going to school. One day, when Mike went down to the school bus stop, he found all of his friends huddled around in a little group, talking about a Wreltney.

Being a little boy, Mike was curious. So, he asked them, "What's a Wreltney?"

"You don't know what a Wreltney is?" the kids exclaimed disgustedly. For the rest of the wait, they would not go near Mike, always standing far away and staring at him. Then the bus came. Mike, confused, got on the bus along with the rest of the children.

"Hey, Otto!" one of the children shouted. "Mike doesn't know what a Wreltney is!"

The bus driver turned around abruptly. "You don't know what a Wreltney is?" he said in disbelief. He ordered Mike to sit in the very back of the bus, all by himself.

Eventually, they got to school, and Mike got off the bus and went to class. Class proceeded normally; the students did the Pledge of Allegiance and worked on their multiplication tables for a while. Then the teacher led them into a unit on the history of picture framing. Mike was not really paying attention, but he heard the teacher mention something about a Wreltney.

Mike's hand shot up, and, when the teacher called on him, Mike asked, "Ms. Crabapple, what's a Wreltney?"

"You don't know what a Wreltney is?" the teacher cried in alarm, "Get yourself to the principal's office right now, young man. No, don’t act so surprised … no ifs, no ands, no buts … march!"

So, Mike headed down the long, dark, frightening hallway to the principal's office. He slowly opened the large, heavy door, and timidly entered the room behind it. There, at a large, imposing desk, sat the principal. The principal was a hulking man, balding, with a thin, pencil mustache. He spoke in a deep baritone voice. His mere presence was enough to send little boys like Mike who had been sent to his office trembling with fear.

"Well, Mike," he began slowly. "What seems to be the problem?"

Mike whimpered, "Mr. Skinner, I just don't know what's going on today. Everyone's been acting weird, and they're all treating me really badly. Like Ms. Crabapple … she just sent me to you and I don’t know why."

"Now, Mike, “said the principal in a voice oily and dripping with menace, “I'm here to help you. I'm the princi-Pal, after all. Heh, heh! Can you tell me why everyone's acting so strangely?"

"It's because I don't know what some stupid Wreltney is."

"What? You don't know what a Wreltney is? That's it. I am calling your mother, young man. Consider yourself suspended.", roared the principal.

The principal threw Mike out of his office and told him to go home. Mike, crying, began the long walk home. When he got there, his mother was standing in the doorway waiting for him.

"Mike!" she sobbed, "I was so worried about you! What happened?"

"Mom," Mike cried, "Everyone was being mean to me and I had to sit in the back of the bus all by myself and the teacher sent me to the principal's office and the principal suspended me, all because I don't know what a Wreltney is!"

"What? You don't know what a Wreltney is?" Mike's mother shrieked. "Go to your room this minute. Go! Just wait until your father gets home!"

So, Mike marched up the stairs and into his room. He collapsed on the bed, tears streaming down his cheeks. After some amount of time, he heard a car pull in and some doors shutting. His father was home. He could hear his anxious parents muttering downstairs but couldn’t make out the words. Then he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Then his door was thrown open.

"Mike," his father began in that lecturing, father tone, "Your mother says you've been acting badly lately. Would you like to tell me what you've done?"

"Dad, I haven't done anything! I just don't know what a Wreltney is!"

"You ... you don't know what a Wreltney is”, he sputtered. “Well, in that case, you can just stay in this room all night, mister. No TV, and forget about dinner!"

Mike's father slammed the door and stormed off. Mike collapsed on his bed, crying his eyes out. He spent the next several hours that way, lying there, miserable, wishing he would wake up.

Then, in the middle of the night, he heard a voice. It said: "Mike. I am a Wreltney, Mike."

Mike sat up with a start. He looked around the room, trying to find the source of the voice, but he couldn’t.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. Find me, Mike."

It was coming from outside. So Mike got up, put his shoes on, opened the window, and climbed out onto the roof.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. Follow my voice."

Mike jumped down off the roof and followed the voice down the road. He got to the edge of a forbidding forest.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. Follow me, Mike."

The voice was coming from inside the woods. It was very dark and very frightening, but Mike didn't care. He had to find out what a Wreltney was. So, bravely, he entered the woods.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. Keep going, Mike."

Mike kept going into the forest. He could hardly see anything, and he kept falling down and walking into things and hurting himself. But, he kept going, driven by a need to find this enigma that kept calling his name.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. This way, Mike."

Eventually, Mike emerged from the woods. He was on the shore of a lake.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. I'm out here, Mike."

It was coming from out across the lake. Mike got one of the small rowboats from the dock, untied it, and rowed out. Since he was only a small boy, it was very difficult. But, he had to find out what a Wreltney was.

"Mike. I am a Wreltney. Row, Mike."

The voice was coming from across the lake. Mike doubled his effort, and the boat began to move a little faster. When he was about half way across the lake, he heard: "Mike, I am a Wreltney. Look up, Mike."

It was coming from directly above him. Mike stopped rowing and stood up to look for it. The boat tipped over, dumping him in the lake. Mike didn't know how to swim, so he drowned.

Moral of this story: Don't run with scissors.
Don't take life so serious, son, it ain't nohow permanent! – Porky Pine
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