swip card connection

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swip card connection

Post by markw »

anyone experience of swipe card terminals linked to broadband via filter -phone connection. i am told they dont work ? but worth asking before I have seperate line installed.
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Post by John »

At our counter we have an ordinary BT wall socket. Into this we have put the broadband filter which splits the line into one broadband socket and one phone socket. We have further split the phone socket in two allowing us to connect a phone and a credit card terminal. There has been no interference between any of the components, except of course the phone and credit card machine can't be used simultaneously.

I havn't heard of a terminal that connects via DSL, though when you think about it, it's the next logical step. With an 'always on' connection processing should be much quicker. I would also like to find out more, who is offering this service Mark?

Post by markw »

John - thank you - I am having broadband installed on Monday - loading the software on Saturday evening i noticed the statement - swipe card terminals cant be used etc. Now I couldnt think of a logical reason for this as the terminal is already on a digital connection - isdn line - you have put my mind at rest as i will be using the same format as you. The bit about always on terminals - its got to happen - but not yet to my knowledge.


Post by markw »

Follow up to my original posting - just incase anybody else decides to go down the single line broadband route.
My PDQ machine worked perfectly on the split line but I had to call my PDQ service providers and get them to switch off the machines modem during the day - left on it was answering all my phone calls. Apart from this minor blip its working perfectly and saving a considerable amount of money compared with the ISDN line that i was using. Now I will be looking forward to VOiP - Voice over internet and save even more money on an improved service.
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