Small problem with Valiani

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Steve N
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Small problem with Valiani

Post by Steve N »

I got a problem with my Valiani, as some of you know I do a lot of shaped windows such as animals, elephants, bears , dogs and such, my customer send me her designs via email, I open them in CorelDraw and trace them. I then save them as a Corel file, then export them as PTL files, in the Valiani software I create a new mount then open the PLT file. I then do a test cut to make sure that it cuts as it should, if all is ok Ithen save the mount as a FU2 file. Then at a later date I open the FU2 file to cut the mount, it cuts different, sometimes putting extra cuts in like if going around a curve it will stop the blade extracts , turn a bit then inserts and carries on, you can see where the blade has been extracted or again going around a curve, it will cut in a series of straight cuts (but the test cut was fine), then when I try to close the file or open another mount, it will ask me if I want to save the mount, yesterday I open a FU2 file, then tried to close it, it asked me if I wanted to save it when I had not altered the file at all. I think that somehow the Valiain software is doing something to the files when it opens them, this only happens on designs I have done in CorelDraw. Help! this is driving me mad :head: , never knowing how it’s going to cut.

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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Jonny2morsos »

Hi Steve

Merlin (John Cooper) is the man to answer your question although you coukld try Mal Reynolds but I do happen to know John away on holiday in Rome at the moment. He will be back next week.

Just one thought if you go back to the file in Corel and take a look at the number of nodes. If there seem to be a lot try reducing the number of nodes, save and try again on the machine.
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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Steve N »

Hi Johnny,
Thanks for the info, I contact Mal later. I can open the original CorelDraw file in CorelDraw OK and the number of nodes are fine, but when I open the PLT file in CorelDraw there are loads of nodes, I have edited these files and re-exported the PLT files ( using different file name) and tried again, it seem it's only after I have saved them in the Valiani software as FU2 files and the re-open them that the problem starts, it seems the Val is not saving them right or when it opens them it corrupts them in some way, because if I don't do any thing to the file not even cut a mount, when I go to close it, it asks me if I want to save the changes!
I check with Mal later to see if he has any ideas

But thanks for the reply


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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Tudor Rose »

Not an expert on this or anything, but something we were told this last weekend on the Valiani course was that you shouldn't save it in CorelDraw before exporting it, because that can put extra nodes in. Hope I have got that right, but it might be worth a try.

Sorry John and Mal if that is wrong!
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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Steve N »

Thanks Tudor Rose,
I just checked and you are right, it does put extra nodes in when you save it (damm stupid idea) and I had it set up to auto-save as well (changed that now), but I still get problems once I've saved it in the Val software.
But thanks for the info

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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by atelier »

I don't know if it helps, but I encountered the same problem with Coreldraw and I starded loooking in Coreldraw forum and I found this that helped me:

How to Plot from Corel Draw 9

"Note: Make sure Corel Draw is open, and the drawing you intend to cut or plot is ready to be exported.

Make sure all of the objects to be plotted/cut, are grouped together and selected. Make sure your drawing does not have any fills in it, and select the “Hairline” pen outline for all the objects. (If it doesn’t have an outline, it won’t plot). Place the drawing in the lower left corner of the page.

Go to the file drop-down menu and select EXPORT.

Name the file, and pick the folder where you want to put that file. Below the file name under “Save as type”, select “HPGL plotter file (PLT)” from the drop down menu. In the bottom right corner check the box that says “Selected only” (Make sure your drawing has been selected first) hit the EXPORT button.

The next window to come up will be the HPGL Export screen. Click on the “Page” tab, make sure the Plotter Origin has “Bottom Left” checked. Plotter units should read 1013.

Click on the “Advanced” tab, and make sure none of the boxes are checked. Curve Resolution should read .001 inches. Click “OK”."
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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Steve N »

Thanks for the reply and advice, I just tried what you suggested on a old design and it work quite well, but there was a couple of extra cuts (blade being with drawn , head moving a bit then cutting) so I went back to CorelDraw and edited the original design, and tried again. This time it went mad, in another part of the design it was trying to cut around a small curve, the blade kept going in and out head moving a bit, head going in and out and so on and so on, in fact it made the problem worse. What I find very strange is once you save a design in CorelDraw, then reopen it, there are loads more nodes and all are straight lines, this is driving me mad :head: :head:

But thank you very much for the advice I will try later on a brand new design, will let you know how I get on.

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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Merlin »

Hi Steve

Not sure what version Corel Draw you are using.
On X4, when you save as a CDR. Close then reopen that CDR, it is exactly the same as the saved version.

If you have a saved PLT then open to to do some more work, you will find a lot of extra nodes for some reason.

The way I work, is to work and save as CDR. I also work at double the size required. Once the design is finished. Click on the 'Shape Tool' and select the design. You will see a box on the Toolbar called 'reduce nodes'. I set this to approx 10.

Then and only then do I Export (as explained above) as a PLT into FMD Library in the PLT/Shapes Folder. I use FMD to reduce the design to size required.
I do not get any 'stuttering' (which indicates extra nodes and straight lines) and I get smooth curves.
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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Steve N »

Hi John,
I've got CorelDraw 12, I'll try again in the morning, as I have some more designs to work on, I let you know how I get on

Thanks for the advice

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Re: Small problem with Valiani

Post by Steve N »

Hi John,
Just did a new design this morning (a skull!) and I followed your advice, but I can't find a 'reduce nodes' box, maybe there is not one in CD12, but it cut great. So I'm thinking of up-grading CorelDraw, just seen one on Amazon, CorelDraw X 5 for £87.00 for Home and Students, might look into it further.

Thank for you help

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