First UK Valiani iXv installed

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First UK Valiani iXv installed

Post by markw »

The machine arrived on Friday afternoon - should have been Thursday but the transport company said the tail lift truck they had planned to deliver it in wasn't big enough. I was already slightly anxious that the thing wouldn't fit through the door and this wasn't reassuring.
Big truck arrived next day and lowered the large boxes into the loading bay where we unpacked them and then manhandled the machine into the building. Advice to future owners - It needs 4 strong lifters to handle easily - even then its an awkward shape.

Installed on Monday by Joe and Mark the machine was cutting within a couple of hours. Some minor calibration and the machine was cutting well. The vacuum pulls down through a pulp-board slip sheet and was surprisingly strong enough to hold two sheets of mountboard in place one on top of the other.

The advantage of the vacuum bed is that it will cut right to the edge of the sheet - (when in vacuum mode the clamps drop down flush with the bed). straight cutting a full sheet of board left no more than a few 2 mm strips of waste.

Familiar with the software having had a Valiani CMC matpro 120 for 5 years I was back into production by the end of the day - just got to get to grips with the new heads - and to realise its full potential.
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Re: First UK Valiani iXv installed

Post by Merlin »

Well done on your new Vacuum CMC Mark.
I hear that already you are stroking it lovingly and calling it your 'precious'

Can we call on you again, in say 3 months time to give us an update on your user experience.

Then again 3 months after that when you have got to grips with the camera attachment.
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Re: First UK Valiani iXv installed

Post by IFGL »

Just a quick question about your cmc , does it know where the clamps are on the software? Mine will clearly show it will miss the clamps software, but hits it.

I have the same machine as you. svaliani ay they are aware of the problem and it will be resolved with the new software release.
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