What a tool

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What a tool

Post by IFGL »

at 1.4 KG it has to ne a joke??
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Re: What a tool

Post by pramsay13 »

:lol: Here's one of the reviews:
On the whole, this is an excellent tool and has helped on many routine tasks around the house, including eavesdropping on GCHQ, performing a minor appendectomy on the dog, and serving as a temporary RSJ when a simple DIY project to remove what I thought was a non-structural wall went awry. It also paid for itself very quickly after I heated it up and inserted it briskly into the rear end of the 100:1 outsider for the 3:15 at Epsom. This was much more successful than my first attempt on the 2:30 when I had neglected to fold away the spiky bits first.

My only criticism is that the battery life is a little disappointing, which means that the night-vision feature only lasts a few hours. This caused no end of trouble the other evening when I was over the Alps in the built-in microlight waiting for permission to land at Geneva. Luckily the hand-cranked generator tool was sufficient to illuminate the (rather basic!) flight instrumentation, and permitted a largely successful landing using the (optional extra) ILS feature.

Overall, it is an excellent all-purpose tool. It is quite heavy and the anti-gravity device is a little temperamental, so it is always worth arming the auto-inflation safety feature if you are in the vicinity of deep water. I would have given it 5* but couldn't find the tool for removing boy scouts from horses' hooves. Incidentally you can quickly recoup the purchase price by using the time-travel feature to enhance your investment decisions.
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