Estlite & Windows 10

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Estlite & Windows 10

Post by cmaclean »

Hi John
I'm using the latest Estlite version 8.462 with Windows 10 and have found the programme takes about 4minutes to actually open to the main screen. The time it's taking is odd, because it hasn't always done this. I have uninstalled Estlite and downloaded the current version with the same result. Can you suggest anything which may be causing this issue?

This is the screen I get while the programme is loading
This is the screen I get while the programme is loading
Estlite Loading.jpg (14.18 KiB) Viewed 11336 times
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Re: Estlite & Windows 10

Post by JohnMcafee »

A quick check of EstLite 8.462 load times on our own desktop PCs:

(Times in seconds)
Vista - 31
Win 8 - 27
Win 10 - 28
XP - 26

At the time of purchase, all of our machines were chosen for reasons of economy rather than speed, so I would expect that these are typical load times for users who are running, non-networked, on a desktop PC.

Does it load any quicker for you when Windows 10 is running in safe mode?
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Re: Estlite & Windows 10

Post by IFGL »

sorry to but in, I had similar issues with some other programs after a W10 update, after updating all the drivers on the computer we discovered it was the graphics driver that was causing the problem, one it was updated everything was fine, it certainly wont hurt to update them.
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Re: Estlite & Windows 10

Post by cmaclean »

Thanks John and IFGL.

I have checked my graphics driver and it is running the latest version. Interestingly running in Safe Mode on John's suggestion, the programme opened to the Main screen in less than 1 second! I'll keep an eye on things with any Windows updates, but will live with the issue for the moment.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Re: Estlite & Windows 10

Post by IFGL »

The best way I found to resolve this kind of issue is unfortunately a bit long winded.

If you open your task manager ctrl + alt + delete, or right click your task bar, go to the start menu and turn off the top program, restarting your computer and see if it worked, if it didn't back to the start menu turn back on the first one and turn off the second and do it again, can take ages but eventually you might find what's causing it.

I would try drop box and one drive first, I had issues with both of those in the past, on one computer Dropbox caused my right click to take. About 30 seconds before it would open the menu.

Also antivirus programs like Norton can cause problems.
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