What is the EXTRAS for?

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What is the EXTRAS for?

Post by Nicole »

Hi John,
We wondering what the EXTRA is for. It brings up an option to add items on a drop down list but without a value. How do you add things to this list and have more than one item? What is it used for?
Thank you, Nicole
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Re: What is the EXTRAS for?

Post by JohnMcafee »

EstLite's Help system is well worth perusing as it will make you aware of many useful features that may not be immediately apparent.

Features such as Extras, which will allow you to add additional items or services that you regularly provide to your framing customers. It is entirely up to you as to what items to include in your list of Extras. The list can be simply created on a spreadsheet, or even Notepad, with a separate line for each item and a comma between description and price - like this:
  • Description1, Price1
    Description2, Price2
    Description3, Price3
    Description4, Price4
If you search EstLite's Help for "Extras" you will come to a page that provides you with much more information. Check it out by clicking here
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