Hacker alert

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Hacker alert

Post by Nicole »

Hi John

I have had a pop up appear that says:

Hacker Alert: Estlite has been rendered unstable and will shut down in oredr to preserve system integrity.
Please regsiter to continue using the program.

Does this mean that the program is at the end of the trial period? This was on amore recent download of BBest as we were trying this after Estlite as we found we did not need the estra functions

Regards, Nicole
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Re: Hacker alert

Post by JohnMcafee »

BBEst has determined that the trial period has expired, sorry if this is not the case, unfortunately registration is the only way to continue on this computer. However you should be able to get another trial period by installing BBEst on another computer.
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Re: Hacker alert

Post by Nicole »

Thank you. Unfotunately the other laptop we have thinks its American or even Aussie (its a Dell bought back from Australia) and puts everthing in dollars.
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Re: Hacker alert

Post by JohnMcafee »

If you don't mind making the modification, you could change the Windows Regional Settings on your laptop to UK.

In Windows 10:
  1. Close BBEst
  2. Settings
  3. Click - Time and Language
  4. Click - Region & Language
  5. Click - Additional Date, Time & Regional Settings
  6. Click - Region
  7. In the new Region window click the Administrative tab
  8. Click "Change system locale"
  9. In the pop-up box select English (United Kingdom)
  10. Click OK - then OK again to close the Region window
"A little learning is a dangerous thing"

(Also known as John, the current forum administrator)
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