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Framing a Diecast Aerolane

Posted: Mon 30 Apr, 2018 3:26 pm
by Efiste2
HI, new to the forum.....I have a diecast model aeroplane I would like to display in a "deep" picture frame along with a small certificate underneath. I would like to attempt to create it myself, but would welcome any advice on how to achieve this. whats the most effective way of mounting the model onto the backing board for example and where would you folks recommend I buy the box frame etc etc. THNAKS :wink:
frame.jpg (310.69 KiB) Viewed 2540 times

Re: Framing a Diecast Aerolane

Posted: Fri 11 May, 2018 12:00 pm
by David McCormack
Hello and welcome to the forum. Sorry you haven't had any replies yet, but I shall have a go!

Is that a vulcan bomber? Not that I know much about aeroplanes but it is a distinctive shape.

My first thought is to take it to a custom framer and have it done all nice and proper like :wink:

You're asking where to buy a box frame but you won't get one the size you want without going to a customer framer, so why not get them to do the full job? But I do understand you wanting to make it yourself... what sort of equipment do you have?

To mount the plane I would glue the colour mountboard you want to some foamborad and then attach the model with formed metal rods or strips of melinex (clear polyester) or even fishing line could work. I've made formed rods from big paper clips before now as can be seen in this post which also has a title box. ... 755#p85998

Rods or straps are passed through the mount/foamboard and secured at the back.

Let us know how you get on :D

Re: Framing a Diecast Aerolane

Posted: Tue 15 May, 2018 11:37 am
by A3DFramer
Sorry this is probably too late but I do not look in here very often. I have been retired for a long while.

There is another way of framing items such as this. That is to make glass sides to project from the frame. I suspect the model has an undercarriage and the picture frame case, better known in antique circles as it was a favoured solution in Victorian and Edwardian times, would display this feature better.

There is only one framer I know of, whom I taught a method of construction but he is rather distant from the OP's address. There is a craftsman I used to supply and operates in Mid Wales, he has developed some of his own lines.

There are many ways an enthusiastic amateur could do this as the abundance of bonding methods that have been created since the Victorian times have not been explored by those who are picture framers and those, who do wish to make these types of transparent covers, rarely use picture framing equipment, so shortcut the techniques that might use accurate mitering.

Should the OP want to explore this further I would be happy to find out if the mid-Wales connection would agree to his inquiries.

This post struck a cord, because very early on in my career of making cases and displays, I was approached by Airfix to make a glass version of plastic cases, I designed a method, which is cited as being too complicated to be efficient for the commercial use, it requires practice and a good understanding of the techniques involved, I proved that 1 skilled worker with a little unskilled help could make 100 units in an 8 hour day. Then Airfix went bust before the order was secured.

Sadly framers seem to think that this sort of framing should be outsourced to makers of plastic covers, the full value of the transparent covers in framing is not even understood because a poor development of techniques has failed to yield the variety of product that might attract a better market of the skill involved.