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No image for hours.

Posted: Wed 29 Aug, 2018 4:29 pm
by poliopete
This query is most probably nothing to do with the forum and more to do with my computer incompetence. :oops:

But here goes. Why is it that when a member uploads an image I only see a blank space for some considerably time :head: . However, eventually the image appears usually after a few hours.

Any explanations will be apreciated.


Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Wed 29 Aug, 2018 5:47 pm
by David McCormack
Strider.jpg (921.78 KiB) Viewed 17176 times

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Wed 29 Aug, 2018 5:51 pm
by David McCormack
Hope you like cats Peter? :giggle: Any excuse to post a picture of our cat :lol:

Just checked on my iPad (not logged in) and it was available to view immediately. It was posted at 6.47pm.

Sorry can't help but can post more cat pictures....... :lol:

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Wed 29 Aug, 2018 9:26 pm
by poliopete
All I can see is a big brown rectangle :( not a cat in sight.

I will check in the morning but thanks anyway.


Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 8:20 am
by JohnMcafee
Could be that your internet connection is slow, Pete.
Some image files on the forum are quite large, and would take some time to download and display if you don't have a reasonably brisk connection.

However, hours to download does seem excessive.

What speed do you have?

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 10:29 am
by Cherrytree

We have the same problem and our internet speed is 300mb.

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 11:26 am
by JohnMcafee
Does a change of browser make a difference?

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 1:21 pm
by David McCormack
Is it just images on this forum you can't see? Are you using internet explorer? Have you tried clearing your cache?

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 2:09 pm
by poliopete
John, I would think that's the problem in my case. I don't know the exact internet speed in this neck of the woods but I have been told it's slow :(

We also have a very weak mobile phone connection, in fact there is only one network that does connect and that is hit and miss.

At least the images posted appear eventually so I look at this way, If you are correct, and I'm sure you are, it's a small price to pay for living in this location with views from horizon to horizon and a quarter of a million wildfowl visiting each winter.

Buy the way, what's a browser? :oops:

David, as for clearing my cache - if I knew what it was I'd clear it :giggle: Anyway, this morning I have a nice clear image of a very relaxed looking cat.

Thank you for all the replies.


Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 2:51 pm
by David McCormack
poliopete in this location with views from horizon to horizon and a quarter of a million wildfowl visiting each winter
Sounds lovely. Do you get to see murmurations? We go to a local RSPB reserve (Leighton Moss) to see the starlings doing their murmuration thing. Do winter wildfowl do the same?

Safari, Firefox, chrome etc. all all applications for browsing the internet and are known as browsers :D

Like squirrels who cache nuts, browsers store information in a cache to use again later. Clearing the cache is just like making a fresh start and can often help resolve problems. Clearing the browser's cookies can also help solve problems.... yes I did say cookies :giggle: :lol:

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 5:22 pm
by prospero
I can see the puudy tat. :D

My PC is getting slow at loading pages. Sometimes I can go and make a cup of tea while it makes up it's mind. :roll:

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 5:31 pm
by MikeSwannick
I can recommend a free program called Ccleaner (as in C-Cleaner). Clear caches and more in just a few seconds. A word of warning though, if you have your browser store all your passwords for auto logging into websites etc (like FF) it will clear them all too, so make sure you know what your passwords are first.

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Thu 30 Aug, 2018 5:50 pm
by Rainbow
poliopete wrote: David, as for clearing my cache - if I knew what it was I'd clear it :giggle:
Are you on a PC or a Mac?

Re: No image for hours.

Posted: Fri 31 Aug, 2018 5:50 am
by poliopete
Hi Rainbow, I have a well old HP PC and a small new HP laptop (the screen detaches)

Hi Mike, thanks for the password tip.

I am very fortunate in being able to use younger members of the family as a resource to help change my browser and clear my caches.

Hi David, although we don't get the spectacular Starling murmuration displays you see, we do see similar displays by small waders, such as Knots and Dunlin. Don't you just love collective nouns for birds, a charm of gold finches or a parliament of rooks. :D

By far our most spectacular sight are the huge skeins of geese that flight from their night time roost out at sea in the Wash to feed during the day in land. They fly in a V formation benefiting from the slip stream of the one in front and "talk" to each other, the noise is better than any alarm clock. Were'as wild duck do the reverse, roosting during the day out at sea and feeding at night. I have seen as many as five thousand geese at a time and I can assure you that figure is accurate as I was shown how to count large numbers of birds by one of the two professional wild fowling guides in the area. Sadly, both guides are long gone.

Once again thank you all for the replies and for increasing my computer knowledge.
