LION - L2693 - how can I add new moulding to EstLite

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LION - L2693 - how can I add new moulding to EstLite

Post by Bagpuss »

Sorry, I don't think I've had this problem before, I couldn't find the above moulding so I just clicked on ;
Options - Suppliers - Download Suppliers' Moulding Tables

I still can't see this new moulding though, L2693 ? Is there something I'm not doing ? I did reboot Estlite but still no show.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: LION - L2693 - how can I add new moulding to EstLite

Post by JohnMcafee »

L2693 is already in the Lion list,there is no need to manually add it.

>"Is there something I'm not doing ?"
Unfortunately I've no way of knowing what it is that you are not doing.
Does the screen capture below help?
L2693.jpg (74.17 KiB) Viewed 5779 times
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Re: LION - L2693 - how can I add new moulding to EstLite

Post by Bagpuss »

Err... it's now there in the table... I think I must had a "senior" moment in front of the customer :head:
I'll get my coat .....

sorry about that, thanks anyway,
My real name is Adam Laver aka "Adam The Picture Framer", just in case you were unsure ; )
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