Centrado moulding table not showing

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Centrado moulding table not showing

Post by photoART »

HI, Have just added the new Centrado mouldings pricing to BBEst , I get a message saying table added, but there are no details of mouldings appearing. (Screen grab attached) Everything was working OK until added new table.
BBest grab.JPG
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Re: Centrado moulding table not showing

Post by JohnMcafee »

Hi photoART
Looks like you have dropped the CSV file on to BBEst. However this is not necessary, instead (in BBEst) go to Options>suppliers then click Update The List Of All Suppliers and select Centrado from the list of suppliers, then click Download. The Centrado list should then be available in your Stocked Mouldings page.
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Re: Centrado moulding table not showing

Post by photoART »

Thanks John, Yes been trying to do that, problem being our ancient windows XP PC will no longer securely access the web, and all our other computers are MAC based, which unfortunately don't have frame pricing software available to them. Have to try and think out of the box or add all prices manually. Thanks for feedback, appreciated.
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Re: Centrado moulding table not showing

Post by JohnMcafee »

I'll send you the correctly formatted CSV file. you will be able to just drag and drop this one.

However if you can run an ethernet cable from your router to your XP, even temporarily, you could download suppliers'm tables at will
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