Discontinued moulding on ESTLITE

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Discontinued moulding on ESTLITE

Post by Bagpuss »

I've never had to do this before, I have some discontinued moulding that I don't want to delete from the table but I do want to flag it up that it's no longer available. I ticked the discontinued box ( below ) and tried to see what happens when I enter frame details, how do I know it's discontinued if I'm typing in this flagged moulding ?
discontinued.jpg (110.26 KiB) Viewed 6045 times
Thanks in advance,
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Re: Discontinued moulding on ESTLITE

Post by JohnMcafee »

If you are intending to price a job with a discontinued moulding, EstLite assumes that you have that moulding in stock.

As long as your discontinued moulding is in stock there is no need to be notified as you will be able to complete the job.

If you are maintaining quantities in your list of stocked mouldings, EstLite will notify you if you do not have enough in stock to complete the job. It will further let you know if the profile has been discontinued - a handy thing to be aware of at the point of sale.
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Re: Discontinued moulding on ESTLITE

Post by Bagpuss »

Thanks for this John, I have never maintained stock levels on EstLite but worth knowing.
Adam TPF
My real name is Adam Laver aka "Adam The Picture Framer", just in case you were unsure ; )
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