
Software related questions, and
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Post by Jo »

My suggestion for an improvement to EstLite is one I keep thinking would be good but never get round to mentioning it, but after checking 'jobs not yet completed' and 'uncollected jobs' rather a lot in the last few days it's something I could really do with.

Is it possible for the 'uncollected jobs' list to only show work that has been ticked off as completed? I'm trying to check that everything needed for Christmas has gone but all the January jobs still show of course. Is that something that could be done?

Thank you!
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Re: Suggestion

Post by JohnMcafee »

Great suggestion, Jo.
Got me thinking that perhaps the Uncollected filter should display only jobs that are complete and uncollected. Is there really any need for a list that includes jobs that are uncollected because they are not yet ready for collection?

Should we replace the Uncollected list, with an Available For Collection list?
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Re: Suggestion

Post by Jo »

As far as I'm concerned, that would be perfect John!
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Re: Suggestion

Post by JohnMcafee »

Many thanks for your useful feedback, Jo.

The Latest version of EstLite (9.02) has now replaced the Uncollected Jobs radio button on the History screen, with the more useful Jobs Ready For Collection which lists only jobs that have been marked as complete.

Also, you can print the list (on either paper or screen) in the Reports screen by ticking the two checkboxes:- Completed Jobs, and Jobs Not Collected when creating a report in the normal way.

If any problem is experienced when using EstLite's built-in update function, you can instead update by downloading and installing the program from our website:-
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Re: Suggestion

Post by Jo »

I've only just realised that you have already done it - that was quick! EstLite wouldn't update from within the program so I have had to download it again, but all is working as it should and will make my life much easier. Many thanks for the improvement John!
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