Odd Quirk

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Odd Quirk

Post by Jo »

Hi John,

I have noticed an odd quirk in my EstLite. When I tick the 'collected' check boxes, if it is the last job on the list, it ticks off the one above instead of the correct one. It took me a while to figure out where a job that should have been on the Jobs Ready For Collection list had disappeared, until I realised the one I had been trying to do was still there and tried ticking it off again, and saw the one above disappear this time!

Is it just me or can you replicate the problem?
Thanks, Jo
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Re: Odd Quirk

Post by John »

unable to reproduce this behaviour on any of our computers or configurations.

However, we can replicate your EstLite environment on our diagnostic setup, and hopefully locate the source of the problem that you are experiencing.

Just make a backup - Options>Data>Backup and send the resulting zip file to: its at theframers dot co dot uk

A detailed step-by-step log of the actions required to demonstrate the problem would also be useful.

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Re: Odd Quirk

Post by John »

Haven't heard from you, Jo.
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Re: Odd Quirk

Post by Jo »

Sorry, been busy! Not really urgent, it's only a minor thing.
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Re: Odd Quirk

Post by John »

Hi Jo,

I appreciate that you took the time from your busy schedule to make me aware of this issue. Hopefully you will soon find the time to follow up with the data and observations required for its speedy resolution.

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