Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

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Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by vintage frames »

On my website - - there is now a full 7 part video course on how to gild with gold leaf. This is with special reference to professional framers who may want to add this craft to their many existing skills.
Knowledge of gilding would be of significant value in attracting work from established artists and the more important art dealers and galleries.
The Video Course is quite detailed and intensive. Much of what is shown can be very exacting and challenging, but none is outside the skill-set of any established framer.
The first video is about 25 min and is FREE to view.
The further 6 videos are at a price gradient from £45 to £95.
Whilst the first video takes you through the basics of making and using traditional gesso, the final two videos bring you into the art and techniques of creative effects and finishes.
Your comments will be most welcome.
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by Justintime »

Great work Dermot. :clap: I can't wait to get started!
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by JFeig »

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by MITREMAN »

Count me in :D
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by Not your average framer »

I don't use these techniques myself. Sandly, I have to admit that I do not believe that I would be able to find customers in my locality, who would be prepared to pay for work of this quality. However I have really enjoyed watching the free first video and seeing you at work. I thought that it was really well presented and extremely easy to follow, but I also recognise that making it so easy to follow, is not something that everyone has the ability to do.

I am so impressed and want to acknowedge what a great job you have done! Simply superb and so well done.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Mark Lacey

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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by vintage frames »

Thankyou Mark.
That's very generous praise indeed.
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by Not your average framer »

I enjoy hand finishing and stacking frames so much myself and although I don't use gesso and gold leaf, there is tremendous satisfaction in doing it and getting great results, this is how it is for me and I can recognise much of the same commitment and enjoyment coming through you video. Therefore it is not difficult to recgonise what has driven you to develop your abilities to realise that we both have travellled some parallel parts of similar journeies along the way.

I love recreating old style frames and I think that this is probably something that we both have in common. I am not as quick when working as I once was, but there is not really anyone anywhere near me who is competing with much of the sort of things that I do and this is how I continue to get by and a large part of how the bills get paid. I am fairly severely disabled and I still need to have some motivation and something to do, plus if I don't keep doing something I start to lose much of my mobility and strength.

Fortunately I am still able to do a bit of what is still a great enjoyment and I also get a lot of enjoyment in seeing others producing nice work as well. If I was still well, I would consider learning how to gild with gold leaf myself, but I struggle to do what I am still able to do, so I don't think this is likely to happen. So I cheat a bit, I don't use gesso, but a mixture of chalk paint and acrylic paint and when a gold finish is needed it's is either out of a bottle, or it's a water based bronzing powder concoction stippled in to wax, followed by heating and burnishing after it has cooled.

It's not quite the same as real gold leaf, but it still has a quality look about it that is considerably better than gold finishes which are available on factory finished mouldings and still gives me a good feeling, being able to produce something by hand that looks a bit special. So yes, I can see and know where you are coming from and really apreaciate the quality of what you are doing and the knowledge that you are sharing with others. Well done!
Mark Lacey

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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by Gesso&Bole »

I've been gilding for quite a few years - I went on a week long course in the mid 1990s, but I have to say that I found that I have been doing less and less gilding in favour of paint and wax finishes that are quick and satisfying.

I don't have retail premises any more, and therefore am being more pro-active in choosing what I would like to do, rather than dealing with whatever stuff comes through the door. As a result of this I decided to re-visit gilding, and have been working my way through Dermot's online course.

I am presently on video number 4, and what a revelation!- I have learnt things on the course that I would NEVER have worked out for myself, that I can see will transform my speed and results. I've also discovered the music of the Cowboy Junkies!

Thanks Dermot for the effort that you have put into the course. And for anyone else considering the course, there's a huge amount of information in there, but it does take a good few views before it all sinks in. I recommend thoroughly.
Jeremy (Jim) Anderson
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by vintage frames »

Thankyou Gesso&Bole for your kind comments.
It is so satisfying to know that you have found the course useful.
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by bookmark »

Hi Dermot, can I add my praise for the online video course you have made. Have found it of great use, and the bite size videos helps in not getting too overawed in the content. No doubt many questions will be asked in the near future. Again many thanks.
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by vintage frames »

Thankyou for your comments and praise.

I'm always happy to answer any of your questions.
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by Tudor Rose »

Giving this a bump as it has been mentioned in another topic. Dermot has been generous enough to share much of his knowledge on the Forum and his posts are well worth a search and a read. This course is a great stepping stone for those wanting to get into gilding.
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Re: Gilding with Gold Leaf. An Online Video Course

Post by vintage frames »

Thank you, Jo.
Very kind of you.
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