The wonderful WORLD of framing.

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Keith Hewitt
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The wonderful WORLD of framing.

Post by Keith Hewitt »

I have been very fortunate to spend the last 40 years involved in exporting to distributors around the world.
It has given me a unique view of how vastly framing varies from country to country.
And I continue to see sights and hear stories that would make you laugh or cry.
So I'm starting this post, and will add to it occasionally, the most recent tales that I've heard.

Cassese France, export all over the world.
Their Malaysian customer was telling me this week, about the delay on his Cassese order. The boat arrived in Port Klang ( for Kuala Lumpur) early Jan. Due to mega congestion the boat had to anchor awaiting its turn to unload. After 2 weeks of waiting the captain got so p***ed off he upped anchor and departed to his next port somewhere in China. :giggle: The customer has no idea when he might expect his delivery. Aaah the joys of exporting. :head:
Keith Hewitt
I have visited distributors and framers in over 100 countries - no two are the same.
sable filbert
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Re: The wonderful WORLD of framing.

Post by sable filbert »

Love this Keith!

I will never stress about lost mountboard ever again....well, maybe not.
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