Mount cutter blades

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Mount cutter blades

Post by Stevie »

How do you dispose of your used mountboard cutter blades in the bin or do you get a sharps box ?
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Re: Mount cutter blades

Post by Justintime »

I store them in a coffee container with a slit in the lid. When it's full they go straight in the metal container at the local amenity site (tip). I double checked, "yup, chuck 'em in.." was the reply! :tmi:
Justin George GCF(APF)
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Re: Mount cutter blades

Post by Steve N »

I basically do the same as Justintime, except I use a cut down cardboard tube that posters come in, with a slit in the plastic top, the tube is covered in paper in red and yellow, with 'USED BLADES' printed on it, emwhen full as Justintime does
Use it for all 7sed blades in the workshop, mountcutter and utility knives blades
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Re: Mount cutter blades

Post by Not your average framer »

I put them in to used drink cans, stuff some waste paper on top and then crush the can by stamping on it, before puuting it in the dumpster. Job done!
Mark Lacey

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