when I can remember, I click on the "Download Suppliers Moulding Tables" button on the Suppliers Tab to update prices but I think I'm doing something wrong. Against "My Suppliers", Lion, Simons & Wessex, I can see "Last Price Upd." shows Mar-22.
Alan from Simons called last week and told me prices were going up and gave me the new price list. I don't normally look at them to be honest but thought I'd check FEST/0031, which I use all the time. I checked the new price in the price list, £2.84 a metre, on my system it's showing as £2.29 ??
I looked back at previous price lists from Simons and saw that the 2019 price was £2.29, Oops.
I've only checked the one moulding admittedly, will check some others but is there a stage that I missed when doing the update ?

Thanks in advance,