Hi from Sweden

Say hello, and tell us a little about yourself.
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Hi from Sweden

Post by Stina »

I’ve been lurking here since January so I think it’s time to go ahead and ask questions. I’ll start with an introduction.

I’m Stina. Used to work as an engineer until I got burned out. Spent three years in art schools. A lot of happy and unexpected circumstances and I ended up as the owner of a framers business!!

The previous owner taught me the trade. She is very good and have a lot of experience, owned the workshop for 34 years. She’s still around and I can call her if I have questions.

But I only learned her ways of doing the framing. Sometimes I think there’s a better way. Or anyway a different way. So if you think I ask basic questions I’m just curious how you do it.

I have a pneumatic Valiani mat cutter, hydrologic Morso and a Euro 9000 underpinner.

I’m based in Gothenburg, Sweden. The last years I haven’t written in English so I’m a bit rusty. And I’m trying to learn the vocabulary of picture framing in both English and Swedish.
Framer in Göteborg, Sweden
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Re: Hi from Sweden

Post by Keith Hewitt »

Hej Stina,

Inget fel på din engelska
Bättre än min svenska :o

Welcome to The Framers Forum.
My suggestion would be to ask local suppliers for their advice
The reps from Estancia, Konstlist, Kallered Ramlist, Schyberg's Ramlist and others will be a very useful source of information.
They will know of framers who maybe willing to teach you other ways of framing, so ask them.

Getting hands on experience at another frame shop, or better still let the framer come and visit you will be a huge help

Good luck, and let us know how you progress

Keith Hewitt
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Re: Hi from Sweden

Post by JFeig »

Welcome Stina,
I am a semi-retired framer who also was burned out from the corporate life. In my case it was accounting and data processing.

I do have an engineering background; however not as a career. I am also proficient in CADCAM and have a metal and woodworking shop. The logic of a good engineer will be welcomed here.
Jerome Feig CPF®
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Re: Hi from Sweden

Post by Stina »

Thanks for the welcome!

Estancia has left the building. Their seller was here and made an impressive presentation. When he called I thought “oh no I’m happy with the suppliers I already got.” Now my knowledge has broadened. Thanks Keith!
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Re: Hi from Sweden

Post by Justintime »

Hi Stina,
If you're looking for some proper training, this couple in the Netherlands are Fine Art Trade Guild certified trainers, so they will be able to teach you the current best practices.
https://pictureframingtraining.com/meet ... cfapf-adv/
Good luck!
Justin George GCF(APF)
Insta: georgetheframer
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