Hi from Atom Gallery

Say hello, and tell us a little about yourself.
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Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by atomgallery »

Looks like a very interesting forum.. We are a small gallery in Stoke Newington, North London specialising in but not limited to original prints. We get our frames made by E frame and we order a variety of sizes to meet or customers needs so that most of the time they can choose a print and collect it framed in an hour or at least the next day. They are not the best frames but they wont damage the art as they are box frames and we get a very good price.. However we do make frames occasionally with an old hand operated morso type guillotine and a rather knackered V nailer. Always keen to learn, knowledgable about screen and giclee printing if anyone is interested! Mark
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Re: Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by Justintime »

Hi Mark,
Welcome to the forum.
I follow your gallery on insta and receive your emailouts. How's business in prints this year?
Don't be put off by how quite it is here at the moment, just dodge the tumbleweed! Plenty of people here to answer questions when the spirit moves them.
Justin George GCF(APF)
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Re: Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by atomgallery »

Hi there, business very up and down, totally unpredictable, did ok at the Art Car Boot Fair in september but things very slow now, hoping the cat and dog show 'Bollocks and Pyjamas' raising money for Hackney food bank will be a bit livelier. all the best!
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Re: Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by JKX »

Welcome, Mark.

I have to ask why.how do box frames not damage art?
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Re: Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by atomgallery »

Oh sorry, yes not terribly coherent I admit, what I meant was that a lot of cheap frames have the artwork in direct contact with the glass and so of course any moisture getting in there will probably dissolve the ink or paint and cause it to stick to the glass, a box frame will do the same as a window mount and keep the artwork away from the glass. Of course archival boards and tape have to be used and preferably fancy glass too all in exactly the same way as a normal frame.
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Interests: Gardening, design, electronic music, good food and beverages.

Re: Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by Justintime »

Hey Mark, just to keep you up with the industry. New mountboard standards are being introduced by the manufacturers through much consulting with the Fine Art Trade Guild over the last few years. The old standards were Cotton Museum, Conservation, White Core, Standard/Cream Core. The new levels are known as Level 1-4 as per https://www.fineart.co.uk/Mountboard_St ... ain%20OBAs. Archival, although not an incorrect term for some types of board ,is one of those vague terms like acid-free that are being used less and less.
Justin George GCF(APF)
Insta: georgetheframer
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Re: Hi from Atom Gallery

Post by Godderz »

Hi Mark

Nice to see you here.
I've been following you for sometime on Instagram (on my personal page)) and have bought a couple of prints from you in the past which are fab ('Fart Around More' gets lots of attention!). Always a lot of interesting stuff at the gallery. I live in Malvern now so don't get to visit you very easily but have pointed a few artist friends from Hackney, Stoke Newington and Turnpike Lane in your direction.
Hopefully I'll back in town sometime and come along for a visit.
All the best.
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