Moulding chevron sample sizes

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Moulding chevron sample sizes

Post by Not your average framer »

I have recently been making some new moulding samples, to be honest the old ones are no longer looking as good as they once did and are propably no longer fit for purpose.

I've not made many so far, but the outside dimension of each side has been chosen to be 230mm long, (almost 9 inches) which is significantly longer than I have used previously. I just wondered what length everyone else is doing their their moulding samples? Also does anyone else think that the length of their moulding samples is likely to have any worthwhile effect on their overall sales results?

Mark Lacey

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Re: Moulding chevron sample sizes

Post by Justintime »

Are you open again Mark?
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Re: Moulding chevron sample sizes

Post by WannabeFramer »

Following with interest as I would like to standardise mine at some point. :-)
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Re: Moulding chevron sample sizes

Post by Rainbow »

Mine are 150mm. Nobody has ever commented on the length, although one customer was a bit put out that I didn't have 4 chevrons of each moulding, one for each corner. :head: :lol:
Not your average framer
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Re: Moulding chevron sample sizes

Post by Not your average framer »

Justintime wrote: Sat 28 Oct, 2023 3:08 pm Are you open again Mark?
I have been getting the inside of my shop sorted out, but I can hardly walkand need to walk with a four pronged stick, I have problems with my balance when standing up. My accountant has given me a deadline of the end of november to get my accounts sorted and I need to concentrate on that first. I have got some framing orders waiting to be done in january, quite a few of my regular customers are already wanting to bring me framing work, sometime in january will be my date for re-opning. I need a goal to motivate me and make me keep going, this is why I am re-opening my shop.
Mark Lacey

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Re: Moulding chevron sample sizes

Post by JKX »

I don’t think the length of samples make a blind bit of difference to sales.

Size of them depends on how many samples you want to show and how much space you have to show them in, plus whatever size your suppilers, that are willing, make them in, usually about 7"

I showed about 2000 and kept most of them the same as my favourite suppliers’ who would send me sets of new ranges or anything I requested FOC, all nicely reverse mitred ends, labelled and Velcroed.

I had a jig to cut the “ears” off any I made myself as reverse mitring on a Morso is a bit of a pain.

This panel would have one less row, maybe two, if samples not reverse cut.

Some mouldings like larger/ornate things were mitred normally or straight cut.

Mark - good luck for Jan, but after being closed for 5 years it’s not really re-opening - it’s a new start up.
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