Selling my business

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Selling my business

Post by Bobbyleeds »

I'm looking to sell my small framing business can anyone suggest the best way to advertise and how to price it
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Re: Selling my business

Post by Gesso&Bole »

Most small framing businesses don’t have any real value as a ‘business’ because the owner is the business. So what you are usually selling is the stock and the equipment.

If you have a regular flow of business that is profitable and would definitely transfer to a new owner (contracted for example) then this would have a tangible value, but probably best sold to an existing framer locally.

Also if you have a website or a shop that is producing a regular amount of business this would have a value.

Perhaps give us some more details and we can advise better. If you don’t want to share that in public by all means PM me and I would be happy to assist.
Jeremy (Jim) Anderson
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Re: Selling my business

Post by JJaston »

I'm looking at buying a local framer and found them through Rightmove. Some property agents list businesses. There is also a business-specific page called Rightbiz.

This could be something to look into.

As to Gesso&Boles point, valuing a picture framing business is tricky as the majority of what is being sold is goodwill unless you have contracted work that could be transferred to a new owner.
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