Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

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Retired Framer
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri 17 Jan, 2025 11:36 am
Location: Kent
Organisation: Just Paintings
Interests: Art including oil paintings, watercolours, oriental paintings, antique engravings. Traditional bespoke picture framing of almost anything. Capacity to cut mounts up to 60" in length. Oval/circle mounts with opening up to 22".

Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

Post by Retired Framer »

Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

The business started in 1979 and closed 2014. We supplied paintings to the art trade in the UK and ran a gallery, besides doing bespoke framing. After closing, everything was placed into a 700 sq ft storage unit with the intention of moving to new premises but health problems stopped this. Some of the stock of art has been slowly sold and only the odd frame made since. This unit is in Kent, but 6 months ago I moved to Cheshire and now need to clear everything before the end of March.

There are stocks of framed and unframed oil paintings, watercolours, antique engravings, oriental paintings.

There is a vast stock of traditional wood mouldings, roughly £25,000 at cost, including some bare wood and white wood unfinished ornate mouldings. Stock of alloy extrusions, mainly Nielsen. About 600 sheets of mountboard, mainly Bainbridge. Limited stock of backboards and glass. About a ton of antiquarian illustrated books including a set of 40 volumes of Illustrated London News from 1843 to 1864, plus loose engravings.

The machinery available includes:

Morso with left hand support, spare blades with shipping box, spare springs and free standing moulding support.

King 250S wood drop saw on metal base with dust extraction. Fitted with fine cut 80 tooth tungsten tipped blade, plus some spare blades. Also has a bar and clamp to allow cutting of extruded alloy with a suitable blade.

Elu free standing saw with measurement scale and clamps for cutting aluminum extrusion.

Cassese compressed air automated underpinner with rotating assemble table. This was the first underpinner produced and revolutionised the framing industry. Originally cost £4,500 and I was the first bespoke framer to buy one as they were intended for mass market contract framing. Plenty of wedges included. The Bambi air compressor is included.

C&H 60” straight line mount cutter with side extension board to allow up to 24” wide borders. Production stops. V-groove attachment. Variable angle plates. Spare blades. Illustrated mount cutting book.

C&H circle/oval mount cutter with 22” max diameter opening. Spare blades. C&H were considered the Rolls Royce of mount cutters, were made in the USA. Both mount cutters were used to cut fancy mounts like single, double and treble offset corners, oriental corners, photo corners, arch top mounts, octagonal circles, plus many others.

Sharp Swede 48” free standing bench guillotine with foot operated clamp. Very accurate cutting with built in measurement scale.

Fletcher 3000 60” glass and board wall mounted cutter. Measurement scale to left and right.

Simple shrink wrapping system with rolls of shrink wrap.

Bench mounted 24” polythene bag sealer.

10ft long work bench with storage trays underneath. Ideal for storing mountcard flat.

8ft long work bench with storage drawers underneath.

Oak plan chest.

There are other useful units also available including 4 tall units with sliding trays, tall metal double door cabinet, low double door storage cabinet, wooden draw units, metal racking, etc.

Fletcher diamond point fixing gun with diamonds and triangle points. Fletcher flexipoint driver with selection of flexipoints. Huge range of hand tools, frame fittings, etc. including hammers, stretcher pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, pliers, spanners, staple lifter, Twirler for screw rings, rulers, hand drill, etc.

The photographs give an indication of what has to be sold, but so much cannot be seen in the photos.

All sensible offers will be considered for the whole or parts of the above. Talk to me about what may interest you. I strongly recommend a visit. Book an appointment in the first week of February when I will be back in Kent. After this visit, items will then be offered on eBay, so do not delay.

0777 699 5585

Retired Framer
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri 17 Jan, 2025 11:36 am
Location: Kent
Organisation: Just Paintings
Interests: Art including oil paintings, watercolours, oriental paintings, antique engravings. Traditional bespoke picture framing of almost anything. Capacity to cut mounts up to 60" in length. Oval/circle mounts with opening up to 22".

Re: Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

Post by Retired Framer »

The images are not showing but can be viewed using these links.

Retired Framer
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri 17 Jan, 2025 11:36 am
Location: Kent
Organisation: Just Paintings
Interests: Art including oil paintings, watercolours, oriental paintings, antique engravings. Traditional bespoke picture framing of almost anything. Capacity to cut mounts up to 60" in length. Oval/circle mounts with opening up to 22".

Re: Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

Post by Retired Framer »

I shall be in Kent from Monday 3rd February. If you want to buy any stock, materials or machinery please give me a call on 07776995585.

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed 13 Mar, 2024 7:16 pm
Location: London
Organisation: Framers
Interests: Art

Re: Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

Post by willm »

Hi Roger,

Is it still possible to arrange a viewing? Interested in various bits and pieces, would be great to come see in person.

Many Thanks,
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Re: Complete stock of art and framing business for disposal.

Post by kentish »

Can you tell me if your going to be there in kent next week , as I am in Kent and would be interested in a look around
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