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Re: Welcome to the CMC UK users forum.

Post by WelshFramer »

What's PLT format?
Mike Cotterell
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Re: Welcome to the CMC UK users forum.

Post by Jonny2morsos »

Plotter file created using the Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language (HPGL); contains a series of two-letter codes, such as "IP," which declares the initial point on a plot; may contain optional parameters with the codes; used by various drawing programs and printers for creating printable plotter documents.

PLT files can be scaled to different sizes without losing quality; they are stored in an ASCII text format.

PLT files are the same as .HPG files.

Source: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/plt

Well you did ask!
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Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by Jared Davis CPF, GCF »

Hey, good idea! I commend this decision.

Actually, "PLT format" is not easy to work with for Gunnar - preferrably CDR or CMX to retain the true tangential curves for smoother cut results..... but it will work itself out, I'm sure.

All the best,

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Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by Jonny2morsos »

Forgot to say;

When creating designs in programmes such as Corel Draw there is an option to save files as .plt files which can be imported to the CMC software and hence cut into a mount.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by WelshFramer »

Don't think Wizards know anything about PLT files.
Mike Cotterell
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Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by John »

PLT is being used here as a convenient format for exchanging designs. The files can be read by CorelDraw, it is not expected that your CMC would be able to read this format directly.

As far as I know, all CMC's have some way of cutting a Corel design.

Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by Dermot »

What versions of CorelDraw are preferred? ……
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Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by John »

All versions can handle the PLT format.

For the purpose of designing for a CMC, the features provided by most recent versions of Corel are probably unnecessary.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Sam Cook »

What a great idea, I look forward to both contributing and receiving ideas.
Like you said Mike coalitions are in fashion these days!

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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by birdman »

I see we're working on a real coalition here with Valiani, Gunnar and Wizard input, not forgetting the TruCut users too. Be nice to see some designs posted.
Rolf Lawson GCF
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Re: Welcome to the CMC users forum.

Post by WelshFramer »

John wrote: As far as I know, all CMC's have some way of cutting a Corel design.
In theory but I'm not sure that getting a Corel design into a Wizard is simple. Wizards will import DXF files (the manual says). There are many posts on the Wizard forum asking about how to get DXF files into the Wizard and the stock reply seems to be that there are many flavours of DXF and you'll have to experiment.

I've found the easiest way to get a design into the Wizard is to import it as a tiff or jpeg file and then trace it.

Kev, did you get any further with your query on the Wizard forum about getting the coving designs into the Wizard?
Mike Cotterell
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Merlin »

Mike you are correct that DXF has not been 'standardised'.

Maybe Sam (Wizard) could help through this forum on DXF imports.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by kev@frames »

mike: Dani at Wizard-int passed it to it's Wizard R&D, for a look a while back.

Meanwhile when I get time I'll knock up a useable template for a cove mount (like the licensed object box insert download available from wizard). I've done a couple but they have been a bit half arsed as we've been so busy lately. To be honest, I have hardly used path trace at all, so I'm rubbish with
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Sam Cook »

Like you said Kev I have spoken to Dani at WIzard about the DXF files and it is something they are looking into for future software upgrades.

Mike - I'm not quite sure what you mean by a cove mount but if it is what I am thinking then you can create it using the Quad template No 111. If you select an oval for the top 2 corners you can then adjust the height of the opening to change the curve on the corners. You can then just merge a rectangle onto the bottom to get the correct overal size. Hope that makes sense, give me a call if you get stuck!

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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Sam Cook »

Thanks for that Dermot, it makes more sense now!

Was completely misleading Mike with my last post, but you can easily create this format by using the Mixed Template no 106 with 2 layers. Leave layer 1 as rectangle but change layer 2 to the Spike no 614. By adjusting the parameters for the spike you can easily change the depth of the box and the angle of the corners.

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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by John »

Looks like cutting a coved box shape is a very straightforward excercise on the Wizard, Sam.

If you get time, perhaps you could post a step by step guide for the Wizard user on how to design and cut a box to frame a specific object, ie where the base size, height, and horizontal border width of the box are known.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by WelshFramer »

Sam Cook wrote:Was completely misleading Mike ...
Don't worry, Sam. You can mislead me any time you like. :wink:
Mike Cotterell
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Birdman asked to see some designs

Post by Bladerunner »

Hi guys,

I am new to the forum and thought I would open with a design for Birdman seeing as he asked to see some.

Hope you like it. I did it on a Trucut machine
USFlagc.jpg (32.67 KiB) Viewed 34784 times
Hope it works.
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