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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by John »

Nice work Bladerunner.

Welcome to the forum.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Jared Davis CPF, GCF »

That looks great - really nice work!


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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by birdman »

Hi Bladerunner,

An impressive mount well beyond what I would be capable of achieving at the moment.

As you have only posted a jpeg image it is difficult to see how the layers connect. The eagle in particular, is it separate or part of the mount? It would also be of interest to know how you went about designing and cutting it too.

Do you get many requests for the US flag in your neck of the woods?
Rolf Lawson GCF
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Bladerunner »


I designed the US flag mount for Trucut themselves who were doing an exhibition in America and wanted to show people what their machine was capable of. As I was pushing their machine capabilities, they were just as interested as me, as to what I could do.

The piece was virtually a full sheet of mountboard with the 5 apertures cut out at the bottom and double mounted. Everything else is cut out of seperate board and glued to the front of the main mount.

The main body and wings of the eagle were cut out of black and stuck down onto the stripes. because you would be able to see the red stripes through the cut outs of the eagle, i had to stick white paper behind the cutouts. The head, beak and feet were then stuck down on top of this. I trimmed the bevel off the beak and head where they meet so the join is perfect. Took me a while to do, but the finished effect looked amazing even if I say so myself. I did a couple of other pieces for them which I will try and attach below.
Hawksb.jpg (45.35 KiB) Viewed 42215 times
If you do a google search for the Atlanta Hawks you will see it is quite close.

I can only upload 1 pic to each post so I will do another one for you to see.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Bladerunner »

Here is an American football based piece I also did for them.
Falconsb.jpg (33.04 KiB) Viewed 42215 times
Everything has been cut out of seperate board and stuck down onto the white. The word falcons is a solid black with the white letters stuck on top and not cut out of the black so that bit is slightly higher than the rest.

Let me know what you think.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Bladerunner »

I have designed a lot of pieces over the years as my company specialises in celebrity memorabilia. My favourite design that I have done was for a customer who brought me a signed David Bowie Picture Disc.

All he gave me was the disc and asked to do something with it.

This is what I came up with. I was more chuffed than he was but that is customers for you.
Bowieb.jpg (34.31 KiB) Viewed 42213 times
The piece is double mounted white on black with the name Bowie cut out of the white to show the black below. However, the face is cut out of black board and stuck on top of the white mount, so the mount is effectively 3 mounts thick where the face is.

I charged the customer £45 and he whinged at the price. Took me hours to do. Some people!

I have done a couple of silhouettes, if anyone wants to see them, let me know and I will post them.

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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Merlin »

Nice work Simon. Customers just do not understand how long the 'design time' takes.
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Bladerunner »

Thanks Merlin,

I wish my customers appreciated my work as much as you guys. :head:

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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by John »

I can see that you have put in a lot of hard work Simon, and the results are excellent, brilliant showpieces for the capabilities of the CMC.

Well done.

Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by Dermot »

Super job Simon :clap:
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Re: Welcome to the CMC (formerly Valiani) UK users forum.

Post by birdman »

Incredible work Simon, thanks for sharing them with us.
Rolf Lawson GCF
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