We hope that you will share your designs with other Valiani users thereby creating a library of useful and unique mount designs that will compliment those already held with the Valiani Software library.
In this section you can upload files with the following extensions: -
- FU2
To gain access to these files you will need to be logged into your account. If you do not have an account then Registration is free and will enable you to fully participate in discussion with other members and have the ability to upload and download designs.
To try and maintain some sort of convention within Designs it is suggested that you:
- First upload a .JPG showing the completed design. So as not to slow down the page load image size is suggested at 200 x 200 pixels, unless of course you have a complex design where a larger format will be acceptable.
- Upload either the .FU2 file or the .PLT file.
- A short description of the piece with any cutting criteria. ie. Colour of head used.
Click on 'NEWTOPIC' - (highlighted in red). Enter a topic Subject. Below the white text box area you will see two TABS - click on 'Upload image'. Browse your own computer to locate the file. Once found click on 'Add file' Within the white text area, place your cursor where you want the file to go and click on 'Place inline'
Click on 'Preview' and you should see your image in the correct place.
Remember that the 'upload image' needs to be done twice. Once for the .JPEG and once for the .FU2/.PLT.
To download an image: All you need to do is click on the link text. That is blue and underlined.