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Pete Bingham's Irish tour dates.....

Posted: Fri 09 Jun, 2006 2:54 pm
by sarah
Sunday 25th June and Monday 26th June.

Sisslings Mouldings Dublin are having two days of demonstrations and workshops.

Guests include:
Hotpress, who will be unveiling their new 43" Jetmounter. As well as demonstrating their well known vacuum press.

Tabmaster will be showing off their 'quickmate' manual canvas stretching tool and the 'minigraph' underpinner, a computerised underpinner.

Valiani's 'mat pro' will be on display, with demonstrations of the mount cutter over the two days.

The infamous Pete Bingham will be there sharing his wisdom and knowledge in the only way he knows how. (with a little wit and sarcasm)

Last but by no means least our very own EstLite will be demonstrated and we will be unveiling our new visualisation product Pre-View.

So why not swing by and check out some of the products on display, have a chat with Pete, and even pick up a bargain or two.